"Whether you're a collector or want to find something unique to give to friends and family at Christmas, these beautiful tins and canisters filled with our delicious-tasting
Poppycock, are sure to be a major hit with shoppers this coming holiday," says Paul Murphy, executive vice president of customer sales and marketing group for Ubiquity Brands, parent company of Lincoln Snacks.
Decked for the holidays
The court's contention in its latest Claremont decision that it has consistently deferred to the representative branches regarding the "substantive content of a constitutionally adequate public education" is also pure
poppycock. The court has never refrained from weighing in on what the definition of an adequate education should look like.
Claremont rulings are like a fast-food menu
"For more than 40 years, consumers have known
Poppycock as the' nuttiest gourmet popcorn," says vice president of marketing Jim Gerbo.
Sweet nutty crunch. (Rollout)
This is
poppycock!"' Tim Smith, who saw Warnke on and off until 1966, stated that he'd never observed Warnke in any emaciated, drugged-out state.
Truth in advertising for Satan seller?
The high point of the action is what amounts to her graduation ceremony, and it's utter
poppycock. But thanks to the professionalism of Robards and Ivey, and the direction of Zoe Caldwell, who keeps events moving briskly enough that we don't have to think about them, Park Your Car will tickle most ribs and warm most hearts.
Park Your Car in Harvard Yard
An example being, he urged the region to get behind the bid saying 'it showed that when Birmingham, the Black Country and Coventry collaborated, they could win.' What a load of
poppycock. Presumably Andy Street was out to justify the creation of the West Midlands Combined Authority (WMCA).
What part did Mayor play in bid?
He also claimed the Government's suggestion the present invisible border could continue without customs posts was "
Farmer's fury as he counts cost of Brexit
What utter
poppycock. Nobody should be allowed to even have one sip of beer when driving a car, let alone a pint or half a pint.
'No drinking' if you are driving
However, Shadow International Development Secretary Diane Abbott denied she was being lined up to replace Mr Benn, branding the rumours "
poppycock and piffle".
Corbyn meets top aides amid talk of reshuffle
Coun David Bawn, said: "We all knew that the PS80,000 figure quoted by Labour sources before the meeting was scaremongering
poppycock. "But now that the figures have been obtained, it is clear that the figures have been deliberately misrepresented for political purposes."
PS80,000 for just one meeting? Didn't you mean PS15,000? (and even that's really pushing it)
What a load of
poppycock! Why would they be oended when they come to England?
Fly flag with pride; Letters letters@coventrytelegraph.net
Or "nonsense": eyewash,
poppycock, claptrap, drivel, gibberish, gobbledegook, rot, hogwash, flapdoodle, bosh, bunkum, hokum, bilge, balderdash, twaddle, tommyrot, rubbish, garbage, pishtosh, humbug, and fiddle-laddie.
Too many definitions
ARTHUR star RUSSELL BRAND says these continual 'marriage in crisis' rumours are quite simply
poppycock! Talking about his life with KATY PERRY, he told me: "Our marriage is one of the things that keeps me normal...
Russ is Perry happy
Her plight pales into insignificance when I read about the younger children who really need care and attention and, more often than not, cannot get the real medical treatment that they require because of political
Georgia should not get money
The dictionary, which features words like telegram and tomfoolery along with hullabaloo and
poppycock, can help young people understand their elders.
Now, 'Gran Slang' lexicon to help youngsters understand their elders!