pop pills


1. verb, slang To swallow (tablets or pills of drugs). A: "I'm feeling a headache coming on." B: "Why don't you pop a couple ibuprofen and go rest your eyes for a few minutes?" I could tell from his eyes that he had been popping pills again.
2. noun, informal A nonalcoholic, flavored, typically carbonated beverage; soda pop We've got beers for the adults and pop for the kids.
3. noun, informal One's father. Usually capitalized if used as a term of address. A: "Morning, Pop." B: "Good morning, Tim. Sleep well?" I heard your pop works for the government. Is that true?
4. noun, informal Music that appeals to the largest or most general portion of the population. Short for "popular music." I can't stand pop, so I don't ever really listen to music on the radio. I like pretty much any kind of music, but I mostly listen to pop.
5. adjective, informal Of or relating to pop music. Trust me, the life of a pop singer is exciting at first, but it becomes a soul-crushing ordeal fairly quickly.
6. adjective, informal Indicating, reflecting, or aimed at the largest or most general portion of the population. My mother-in-law is always peddling some new fad in the world of pop psychology. The new exhibition explores the hidden depths of pop art.

pop pills

To take pills of medicinal or (especially) recreational drugs rapidly and in large quantities. I left the party as soon as people around me started popping pills. Many law students resort to popping pills in order to cope with the immense amount of stress their studies place on them.
See also: pill, pop
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
See also:
  • popped
  • popping
  • pops
  • flag
  • flagged
  • flagging
  • gangshag
  • dished
  • cod
References in periodicals archive
According to (http://plannedparenthood.tumblr.com/post/23827960518/timing-of-birth-control-pills) Planned Parenthood (http://plannedparenthood.tumblr.com/post/23827960518/timing-of-birth-control-pills) ,  if you are late taking the POP pills by more than three hours, it's important that you use a second form of birth control, such as a condom.
Growing up I needed a guide like, a blind veteran's dog, Cos I was going nowhere like a child's letters to god, Though life's road was hard I was never so lost, That I looked for an answer in a medicine box, I never did pop pills, or cop deals, just rocked hills Kids with skills, still got harassed by the cops till, They'd have me in the back of a paddy, down to lock up, Smack me, pat me down for a baggy, mums would rock up, And bail me out, a failure out once again, Next weekend, bail me out, drunk again, And I never will forgive myself, For putting you through all that hell, I went from high school dropout to factory labourer, Slave to the clock until four, went from sleeping on the floor, To being out on tour, now no stopping me, I'll finish with a bang like Kurt Cobain's biography.
And food is great, so why pop pills to put on weight?
"It is not advisable to frequently pop pills. Too much medication can cause medication-overuse headache," he said.
If a child or an adult is going to pop pills, they're going to do it no matter what.
They found caffeine appeared to be as effective if not more effective than other drugs such as Ritalin, which is increasingly associated with students who "pop pills" to aid study, the Herald Sun reported.
" I don't let my wife pop pills. Why should I do it?
Then smile, eat seaweed, get a new hairstyle, send fewer emails, go dancing, spend less money - and don't just pop pills. Or so says one of the world's most eminent scientists.
Or has our reliance on "mood elevators" become such a crutch that people experiencing more than the occasional bad day are increasingly prone to pop pills to make it better?
He ranted that, with Jesus in their hearts, they didn't need to pop pills.
At Ashbury High, it isn't just the honor roll students, the prom queens, and the jocks who pop pills. Teachers and parents are also hooked on prescription drugs--any magic potion to help "dial down the pain." So, when 16-year-old Thyme diagnoses herself with ADD, she finds Ritalin, "the study drug," easy to procure.
Anti-drug groups fear hard-up students will be tempted to pop pills for the scheme exposed in yesterday's Irish Daily Mirror.
* Most steroid users pop pills but some inject the drugs.
Americans could pop pills to fight infections and pain, relieve high blood pressure and excess stomach acid, curb depression and sleeplessness, control diabetes and a few cancers.
FOUL-MOUTHED rapper Eminem faces a police drugs probe after he appeared to pop pills on stage.