
  • (as) free as (the) air
  • (as) free as a bird
  • (as) light as a feather
  • (as) light as air
  • (like) a breath of fresh air
  • (one's) nose is (always) in the air
  • a bear in the air
  • a breath of fresh air
  • air (one's) belly
  • air (one's) dirty laundry in public
  • air (one's) dirty linen in public
  • air (one's) grievances
  • air (one's) lungs
  • air (one's) opinion
  • air (one's) paunch
  • air (one's) pores
  • air bags
  • air ball
  • air belly
  • air biscuit
  • air dirty linen in public
  • air grievances
  • air guitar
  • air hose
  • air kiss
  • air lungs
  • air of pretension
  • air one out
  • air one’s belly
  • air one’s pores
  • air one's grievances
  • air out
  • air paunch
  • air pores
  • air quotes
  • air rage
  • air-bags
  • airball
  • airhead
  • airheaded
  • airs and graces
  • appear out of thin air
  • appear, etc. out of thin air
  • assume airs
  • be floating on air
  • be in the air
  • be left hanging (in the air/in midair)
  • be left hanging in the air
  • be on (the) air
  • be walking on air
  • bear in the air
  • beat the air
  • breath of fresh air
  • breath of fresh air, (like) a
  • build castles in the air
  • castle in the air
  • castles in the air
  • catch air
  • catch big air
  • clear the air
  • clear the air, to
  • come up for air
  • dance on air
  • dead air
  • disappear into thin air
  • disappear, etc. into thin air
  • fire (one's) pistol in the air
  • float an air biscuit
  • float on air
  • float/walk on air
  • free as a bird
  • free as air/as a bird
  • full of hot air
  • gasp for air
  • get some air
  • get the air
  • give (one) the air
  • give (oneself) airs
  • give someone the air
  • give yourself airs
  • give yourself/put on airs
  • gulp for air
  • have (one's) nose in the air
  • have airs and graces
  • have nose in the air
  • hot air
  • in midair
  • in the air
  • in the open air
  • into thin air
  • keep (an amount of) balls in the air
  • keep balls in the air
  • leave (up) in the air
  • leave hanging
  • leave up in the air
  • light as a feather
  • light as air/a feather
  • nip in the air
  • nose in the air, have one's
  • off (the) air
  • off the air
  • on (the) air
  • on air
  • on the air
  • on/off the air
  • one's nose is in the air
  • out of thin air
  • pant for air
  • pluck (something) from the air
  • pluck (something) out of the/thin air
  • pluck something from the air
  • pluck something out of the air
  • pull (something) out of the/thin air
  • pull out of a hat
  • put on airs
  • put on airs and graces
  • put on airs, to
  • stick (one's) nose (up) in the air
  • stick nose up in the air
  • take the air
  • the air
  • thin air
  • too many balls in the air
  • tread on air
  • turn the air blue
  • up in the air
  • up in the air about (someone or something)
  • up in the air about someone/something
  • vanish into thin air
  • vanish into thin air, to
  • walk on air
  • walk on air, to
  • wash one's dirty linen in public
  • wash your dirty linen in public
  • wind pudding and air dip
  • with (one's) nose in the air
  • with your nose in the air
References in classic literature
As Adam lay a-dreaming beneath the Apple Tree, The Angel of the Air he offered all the Air in fee.
The Tin Woodman had chopped a big pile of wood, and now he made a fire of it, and Oz held the bottom of the balloon over the fire so that the hot air that arose from it would be caught in the silken bag.
When I had inhaled this air freely, I sought the conduit pipe, which conveyed to us the beneficial whiff, and I was not long in finding it.
Far below her she found six great glowing balls suspended in the air. The central and largest one was white, and reminded her of the sun.
He was ready to don the diving-dress himself, or try the air apparatus, in order to reconnoiter the situation of his courageous friends.
Ferguson have used two balloons, his chances of success would have been increased; for, should one burst in the air, he could, by throwing out ballast, keep himself up with the other.
I can rise when the air is calm and full of holes, and I can rise when its boiling, and by my control of my plane areas I can come pretty close to making any speed I want.
No sooner had the eyes of the Prince of the Air rested on her than he forgot all the terrible woes which had been prophesied to him ever since he was born, for in one single moment the plans of years are often upset.
Talk about air! If there was anything in it, the people in that air ought to live to be a hundred.
In evening's limpid air, What time the dew's soothings Unto the earth downpour, Invisibly and unheard-- For tender shoe-gear wear The soothing dews, like all that's kind-gentle--: Bethinkst thou then, bethinkst thou, burning heart, How once thou thirstedest For heaven's kindly teardrops and dew's down-droppings, All singed and weary thirstedest, What time on yellow grass-pathways Wicked, occidental sunny glances Through sombre trees about thee sported, Blindingly sunny glow-glances, gladly-hurting?
"Well, if friend Nick can manufacture, from this mess of rubbish, a Thing that will fly through the air and carry us to safety, then I will acknowledge him to be a better mechanic than I suspected."
I struggled along heroically, my correlations breaking down, my legs tottering under me, my head swimming, my heart pounding, my lungs panting for air.
Kurt came in with a general air of ignoring Bert, but muttering to himself in English nevertheless.
As there had been occasions when this same young gentleman had shrieked aloud with rage and had insisted that fresh air would give him cold and kill him, it is not to be wondered at that his doctor felt somewhat startled.
Today I join the Zodangan navy as an air scout and I hope in this way to win the confidence of Sab Than, the prince, who is commander of this division of the navy, and thus learn the whereabouts of Dejah Thoris.