
Related to stood: stood down, stood the test of time
  • (one's) heart stands still
  • I should have stood in bed
  • I shoulda stood in bed
  • know where (one) stands
  • should have stood in bed
  • should have stood in bed, I
  • stand (idly) by
  • stand (in) back of (someone or something)
  • stand (one)
  • stand (one) for (something)
  • stand (one) in good stead
  • stand (one) to (something)
  • stand (one's) ground
  • stand (something) on its head
  • stand (there) with (one's) bare face hanging out
  • stand a round
  • stand against (someone or something)
  • stand apart (from someone or something)
  • stand around
  • stand aside
  • stand at (something)
  • stand back
  • stand behind (someone or something)
  • stand between (someone or something) and (someone or something)
  • stand by
  • stand by (one's) guns
  • stand down
  • stand fast
  • stand firm
  • stand from under
  • stand guard
  • stand head and shoulders above (someone or something)
  • stand in (one's) own light
  • stand in (someone's or something's) way
  • stand in (someone's) shoes
  • stand in awe (of someone or something)
  • stand in awe of (someone or something)
  • stand in for (someone or something)
  • stand in the gap
  • stand jiggers
  • stand off
  • stand off from (someone or something)
  • stand on
  • stand on (one's) hands
  • stand on (one's) head
  • stand on (one's) own (two) feet
  • stand on (someone's) shoulders
  • stand on ceremony
  • stand on end
  • stand on the shoulders of giants
  • stand or fall by (something)
  • stand out
  • stand out a mile
  • stand out like a sore thumb
  • stand outside (of) (something)
  • stand over
  • stand pat (on something)
  • stand shoulder to shoulder
  • stand still for (something)
  • stand stock still
  • stand the gaff
  • stand the pace
  • stand the test of time
  • stand to (attention)
  • stand to (do something)
  • stand to lose (something)
  • stand to reason
  • stand together
  • stand trial
  • stand up
  • stand up against (someone or something)
  • stand up and be counted
  • stand up for (someone or something)
  • stand up in court
  • stand up to (someone or something)
  • stand up with (one)
  • stand well with (one)
  • stand with (one)
  • stand your ground
  • test of time, stood the/passed the
References in classic literature
Amazement seis'd The Rebel Thrones, but greater rage to see Thus foil'd thir mightiest, ours joy filld, and shout, Presage of Victorie and fierce desire Of Battel: whereat MICHAEL bid sound Th' Arch-Angel trumpet; through the vast of Heav'n It sounded, and the faithful Armies rung HOSANNA to the Highest: nor stood at gaze The adverse Legions, nor less hideous joyn'd The horrid shock: now storming furie rose, And clamour such as heard in Heav'n till now Was never, Arms on Armour clashing bray'd Horrible discord, and the madding Wheeles Of brazen Chariots rag'd; dire was the noise Of conflict; over head the dismal hiss Of fiery Darts in flaming volies flew, And flying vaulted either Host with fire.
At one of the chamber-windows of Governor Bellingham's mansion, which stood at some distance, on the line of another street, he beheld the appearance of the old magistrate himself with a lamp in his hand a white night-cap on his head, and a long white gown enveloping his figure.
The one story stood forward a great way over the other; and directly under the eaves was a leaden spout with a dragon's head; the rain-water should have run out of the mouth, but it ran out of the belly, for there was a hole in the spout.
Under the gleaming icons stood a long invalid chair, and in that chair on snowy-white smooth pillows, evidently freshly changed, Pierre saw- covered to the waist by a bright green quilt- the familiar, majestic figure of his father, Count Bezukhov, with that gray mane of hair above his broad forehead which reminded one of a lion, and the deep characteristically noble wrinkles of his handsome, ruddy face.
suddenly cried the Sicilian seaman, who being posted at the mizen-mast-head, stood directly behind Ahab, though somewhat lower than his level, and with a deep gulf of air dividing them.
On they came in silence broken only by the patter of their feet and the dry rattling of their bony necklets, till they stood in long ranks before the Black One.
Presently Eric saw where Little John stood among the others, a head and shoulders above them all, and he called to him loudly, "Halloa, thou long-legged fellow in scarlet!
The officers who were not actively engaged stood and stared over the treetops southwestward, and the men digging would stop every now and again to stare in the same direc- tion.
Lorry, who had stood up to look for him, and who quietly nodded and sat down again.
Next moment I stood aghast between the devil and the deep sea.
In silence the two stood in the darkness with the fence between them.
A man stood upon a railroad bridge in northern Alabama, looking down into the swift water twenty feet below.
When Captain Sleet in person stood his mast-head in this crow's nest of his, he tells us that he always had a rifle with him (also fixed in the rack), together with a powder flask and shot, for the purpose of popping off the stray narwhales, or vagrant sea unicorns infesting those waters; for you cannot successfully shoot at them from the deck owing to the resistance of the water, but to shoot down upon them is a very different thing.
I stood under an oak tree and watched, but no one came to catch me.
Oliver walked a few paces after them; and, not knowing whether to advance or retire, stood looking on in silent amazement.