relax (one's) hold on (someone or something)
1. To stop gripping or holding onto someone or something as tightly as before; to loosen one's grasp on someone or something. Don't relax your hold on that cable for even a second, or the entire rigging could come crashing down! I relaxed my hold on the other player for a moment, and he managed to get out of my tackle.
2. To strop trying to control someone or something as completely or dominatingly as before. The dictator has been showing signs that he may be relaxing his hold on the country a bit, as he is allowing foreign members of the press in for the first time in over 50 years. If you think my father will ever relax his hold on the company, you've got another think coming. You need to learn to relax your hold on your kids. They've got to make their own decisions in life eventually.
See also: hold, on, relax
relax into (something)
1. To sit, lean, or recline into something and rest one's body. After such a long day at work, it feels good to finally crack open a beer and relax into my favorite armchair. I relaxed into my bath to try to ease the tension in my aching muscles.
2. To feel more comfortable, confident, and able in a particular role, job, position, etc. I'm not sued to giving people orders, so it took me a while to relax into this new position of authority. She seemed quite nervous at first, but she's finally relaxing into the role.
See also: relax
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
relax into something
1. to sit or lie down in something, relaxing. I want to go home and relax into my easy chair. I relaxed into the reclining chair and was asleep in a few moments.
2. [for something that is tense] to assume a more relaxed shape or condition. His cramped muscle finally relaxed into a soft mass of tissue. As her tight neck relaxed into softness, her face brightened.
See also: relax
relax one's hold on someone or something
to lessen one's grasp on someone or something. When she relaxed her hold on me, I got away. Never relax your hold on an alligator.
See also: hold, on, relax
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.
- be/have done with somebody/something
- be in line with (someone or something)
- better of
- (someone or something) promises well
- begin with
- begin with (someone or something)
- be rough on (someone or something)
- bird has flown, the
- beware of
- beware of (someone or something)