An abbreviation for the phrase "as if I care," which is used to emphasize how little one in interested in or cares about something, often in a passive-aggressive manner. He's dating someone else? Ugh, AIIC.
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

As if I care!

and AIIC
exclam. & comp. abb. What has led you to believe that I care at all? (see also As if!.) So he left you. AIIC! So, some hairdresser jerk dyed your hair orange! As if I care!
See also: if


See As if I care!
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
See also:
  • TMI
  • BTDT
  • FWIW
  • abbreviate
  • abbreviate (something) to
  • abbreviate to
  • YOLO
  • BWOC
  • WYM
  • BMOC
References in periodicals archive
Chris Newman, managing director of ACORD in London, said: "The AIIC seeks out solutions that benefit underwriters, brokers and - most importantly - the buyers of insurance products and solutions.
The 2016 AIIC has three other scheduled semi-finals in Des Moines, Iowa (April 26); New York City (June 7); and London (Sept.
AIIC forum on interpreters in conflict areas, AIIC, viewed on 15 September 2013.
Rocky Sinclair, a principal with the AIIC, headquartered just outside Edmonton, was one of the representatives from the research communities presenting at an international symposium at the Banff Centre last month.
The AIIC reports that as many as one in 10 rented properties contain soft furnishings, bedding and furniture that do not carry the necessary fire and furnishings compliance labels.
The governments of the UAE and Afghanistan will co-host the first 'Afghanistan International Investment Conference' (AIIC) in Dubai on November 30.
Interpreters usually belong to professional organisations such as the Institute of Linguists (IOL), the Institute of Translation and Interpreting (ITI), or the International Association of Conference Interpreters (AIIC).
The AIIC provides a wide array of services to potential First Nations entrepreneurs, from capital to business development advice.
(AIIC), Technology Insurance Co., Rochdale Insurance Co., and Wesco Insurance Company.
Speech on 33th General Assembly of the International Association of Conference Interpreters (AIIC).
Con vistas a la consecucion de este objetivo, en 1956 se afilia a la Asociacion Internacional de Interpretes de Conferencia (AIIC), fijando normas estrictas, promoviendo una formacion de calidad y defendiendo la deontologia profesional.
She is also an Executive and Council member of AIIC, the Association of Independent Inventory Clerks.
Board (19) approach was deemphasized in cases like AIIC (20) and CDA (21) in favor of separate per se or rule of reason analyses depending on the nature of the restraint under examination.
Competition is stiff, and successful conference interpreters are often members of the Association of Conference Interpreters (AIIC) or the Institute of Translation and Interpreting (ITI).