The Earth's climate has been changing
since the year dot, with heat waves and ice ages, it has nothing to do with carbon dioxide emissions (millions of tons of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is computer generated gobbledegook).
Hysteria is now a farce
Debrett's has been around
since the year dot - well, 1769 to be precise - and it is a professional coaching company, publisher and authority on etiquette and behaviour.
Give your friends a rude awakening; bookclub with heather suttie Do you have a book review or would you like me to review a book you've enjoyed? Please get in touch at or tweet @blondi_SOSDebrett's A to Z of Modern Manners by Jo Bryant
"And although he has been in the sport
since the year dot, he has managed to maintain his mojo, his passion across all these years.
AUSTIN POWER; DC: NO stopping Lew, even if the wins world title NO.5 in Texas; EXCLUSIVE
But the fact is we have to have a third-place finisher because the Olympic movement, the IOC and FIFA have been hand in hand in football tournaments
since the year dot.
Proof you can polish a third
The army have been putting their recruits including officer cadets through exercise courses
since the year dot without doing research on the subject.
Daily Mile research was hardly a surprise
Someone rang them and said we were having a disco lights flashing the lot, the cops turn up, knock at the door, then a bemused cop asks: 'why lights and no noise?'" Pamela Burn: "Get a grip there's been parties in Jesmond
since the year dot, and we never hurt a living soul!" Chris Loxley: "Would be much better getting them in proper nightclub where it's PS10 to get in then PS8 per drink."
Bullying has been a problem
since the year dot. But bullies by nature are cowards, only feeling tough and brave when in a gang.
WHAT a sad story
Steve added: "The judge may have been expecting a more traditional scene of a table covered in a pristine cloth with a wine bottle, but we've been doing traditional
since the year dot.
Blooming cheek; Flower show fury as mum's 'night out' entry blasted by judge
He allows evil to take place in the world because he honours men's free will which he has done so
since the year dot when he allowed Adam to disobey him.
God allows evil for higher reasons
Syngenta (and previous other names) has been there
since the year dot. They do everything they can to keep the miserable public happy and well informed.
But Tom is also planning to do something else that's rather brilliant, donating one of his own kidneys to Grantly Budgen - a man's who's been on the waiting list for a sense of humour transplant
since the year dot.
Expect fireworks at Waterloo Road; Pick of The Day WATERLOO ROAD (8pm BBC1)
But Tom is planning to do something else that's rather brilliant - donating one of his own kidneys to Grantly Budgen - a man's who's been on the waiting list for a sense of humour transplant
since the year dot.
I love sport and it has been part of my life
since the year dot.
Well, Graeme has been designing
since the year dot and likes nothing more to sit in front of his computer and design.
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The people who have been here
since the year dot are the club and they keep the values and winning desire at the forefront of everything we do.