With a fine dusting of snow on the ground and temperatures hovering just above freezing, dozens of dedicated individuals gathered at SIU's Campus Lake Saturday morning to participate in the 2018 SIU Polar
Plunge to benefit the athletes of Special Olympics Illinois.
Brrr-avery! Participants in Polar Plunge, Donut Dash brave the elements in support of Special Olympics Plunge
Only one other person has survived the Niagara Falls
plunge to this date.
Niagara Falls Plunge: Suicidal Man Miraculously Recovers From Fall
Sullivan, 23, had heard stories about how ice can stick painfully to a wet, bare foot and how the water temperature can be unbearable, but still she decided that she would join Joey's Polar
Plunge to help raise money to send seriously ill children from Massachusetts to Camp Sunshine in Maine.
Winter rain helps ease the chill of polar plunge; Spencer native takes New Year's dip for charity
Human divers who
plunge to penguin depths and then surface as briskly as these birds do develop dangerous nitrogen bubbles in their blood.
Cool birds: How can emperor penguins live like that?
Then here's a question you probably don't want to ask yourself mid-loop: If gravity causes objects to fall toward Earth, why doesn't your coaster train
plunge to the ground?
Thrills and spills: you don't have to jump out of a plane to live on the edge this summer. Thanks to physics, you can head to the amusement park for spine-tingling terror--without the danger. (Physics: Newton's first law/inertia)
Japanese Foreign Minister Yohei Kono asked Russia for information on the route of Russian space station Mir's
plunge to Earth while he visited the country, ministry officials said Thursday.
Kono asks Russia for information on Mir's plunge to Earth