It came as Iraqi authorities were preparing to launch the largest
show of force since Saddam's ousting in the capital in a bid to curb the rampant insurgency, which has killed more than 650 people since the country's new government was announced on April 28.
Two killed in 'copter crash
Besides allowing the battery's Soldiers to hone their skills and showcase the effectiveness of their weapons, the recent exercise allowed the unit to synchronize all the fire support assets in the area, as a
show of force, said battery commander CPT Brendan Raymond.
Firing the big guns
An estimated 15,000 people have protested in the capital, Bern--the first public
show of force since Unia was founded two weeks ago.
Wage dumping denounced
North Carolina hesitated, but Franklin didn't: Sevier led 2,000 men westward through the woods to Nashville, and the
show of force was enough to disband the Indians without a fight.
The first free state project: the brief, tumultuous history of Franklin
The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)-led Stabilization Force (SFOR) conducting peace operations in the former Republic of Yugoslavia (FRY) conducted a
show of force 25 March to 17 April 1998 to demonstrate SFOR's rapid reinforcement capability.
Information operations in support of demonstrations and shows of force
team fabricated intelligence and phony news reports to convince the Guatemalan military that defeat was inevitable, bluffing Arbenz out of office with a nominal
show of force. Even The New York Times agreed to keep its correspondent off the story.
Mountain of evidence
"I believe that our
show of force made the legislators realize that the CPA profession is serious about what we do, and that the vast majority of CPAs are professional and of very high integrity," says Paggi.
It happened one night: members leave a mark in Sacramento. (Government Relations)
Trade unionists carrying thousands of flags turned the streets red yesterday and packed into the Circus Maximus, scene of ancient Rome's chariot races, in a
show of force against Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi.
Two million Romans on Maximus March
soldiers deployed to Camp Bondsteel in Kosovo as a "
show of force," according to U.S.
Serb troops cross into Kosovo. (Security)
Earlier yesterday, Attorney General Ms Janet Reno said the agents who seized Elian had to have a "
show of force - not a use of force - to show we were in control".
Elian's Miami family refused Cuba visits
show of force is standard operating procedure for
Lockdown America: Police and Prisons in the Age of Crisis
McKinley decided on a
show of force to protect U.S.
The Mystery of the Maine
British armoured vehicles were shot at as they patrolled in Bosnia as part of the United Nations' biggest
show of force since their peace-keeping mission began.
News update
Oil-producing nations have recently made a
show of force, arguing that current emissions goals are sufficient -- a position backed by the U.S.
Climate summit: slippery slopes ahead
In order to preserve this image, al-Asad must sustain a large armed presence precisely in order to present to the world a
show of force.
Scuds or Butter?: The Political Economy of Arms Control in the Middle East