of a lifetime

of a lifetime

Used to describe something extremely exceptional, important, or enjoyable that isn't likely to occur again. They offered me the chance of a lifetime to travel the world and write about my experiences abroad. That tour around Europe really was the trip of a lifetime!
See also: lifetime, of
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

of a lifetime

(of a chance or experience) such as does not occur more than once in a person's life; exceptional.
See also: lifetime, of
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary

the chance, etc. of a ˈlifetime

a wonderful opportunity, etc. that you are not likely to get again: This is your chance to win the trip of a lifetime!
See also: lifetime, of
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary
See also:
  • the chance, etc. of a lifetime
  • a good trip
  • good trip
  • be out of this world
  • put the dampener on (something)
  • put the damper on (something)
  • throw a wet blanket over (something)
  • throw a wet blanket over something
  • are we having fun yet
  • Are we having fun yet?
References in classic literature
Ten years ago Lavalle, "that imperturbable dreamer of the heavens," as Lazareff hailed him, gathered together the fruits of a lifetime's labour, and gave it, with well-justified contempt, to a world bound hand and foot to Barald's Theory of Vertices and "compensating electric nodes." "They shall see," he wrote--in that immortal postscript to The Heart of the Cyclone--"the Laws whose existence they derided written in fire beneath them."
Mays turned his back to the infield and ran seemingly forever before making the over-the-shoulder catch of a lifetime.
"You can see the pain and experience of a lifetime of struggle!" they'll say as they start wheeling through their portfolio.