
nature versus nurture

The debate regarding whether heredity (nature) or the environment (nurture) play a more prominent role in determining one's physical and mental development. Often shortened to "nature vs. nurture." Two of the triplets have found incredible success, one as a world-renowned scientist and the other as an accomplished author and playwright, while the third has done very little with his life. It's certainly an interesting case study when considering nature versus nurture, don't you think? People talk about nature versus nurture as if it can only be one or the other, failing to realize that each person grows as a result of a complex and dynamic combination of both.
See also: nature, nurture, versus

nurture a serpent in (one's) bosom

To befriend, look after, or take care of someone who proves to be traitorous, untrustworthy, deceitful, or ungrateful. (A less common variant of "nurture a viper in one's bosom.") I thought the profligate had seen the light and was seeking redemption, and so I took him into my care. But before long, I knew I had nurtured a serpent in my bosom, as I awoke one morning to find myself robbed blind! I thought our love was not only mutual but indestructible; and yet, I have nurtured a serpent in my bosom all these years: my darling husband has cast me out and run off with a younger woman.
See also: bosom, nurture, serpent

nurture a snake in (one's) bosom

To befriend, look after, or take care of someone who proves to be traitorous, untrustworthy, deceitful, or ungrateful. I thought the profligate had seen the light and was seeking redemption, and so I took him into my care. But before long, I knew I had nurtured a snake in my bosom, as I awoke one morning to find myself robbed blind! I thought our love was not only mutual but indestructible; and yet, I have nurtured a snake in my bosom all these years: my darling husband has cast me out and run off with a younger woman.
See also: bosom, nurture, snake

nurture a viper in (one's) bosom

To befriend, look after, or take care of someone who proves to be traitorous, untrustworthy, deceitful, or ungrateful. I thought the profligate had seen the light and was seeking redemption, and so I took him into my care. But before long, I knew I had nurtured a viper in my bosom, as I awoke one morning to find myself robbed blind! I thought our love was not only mutual but indestructible; and yet, I have nurtured a viper in my bosom all these years: my darling husband has cast me out and run off with a younger woman.
See also: bosom, nurture, viper
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
See also:
  • nature versus nurture
  • be on (one's) pat
  • on (one's) pat
  • on your pat
  • on automatic pilot
  • cut the cord
  • public display of affection
  • carry a big stick
  • chillin
  • chillin’
References in periodicals archive
'The Nurture man doesn't go out drinking, womanizing or engaging in bad company.
As the science progressed, it became increasingly clear that the nature and nurture domains were hopelessly intertwined with one another.
Nurture My Child's camp database is updated consistently and is the only place where a large majority of camps in Austin and the surrounding areas are listed and families can search by multiple criteria like camp activities, schedule, location, ages, etc.
Instead of rushing toward the sales finish line, nurture your dream clients and provide them with the value they need.
Americans United's Associate Legal Director Alex Luchen-itser told the newspaper that ministries like Nurture Block are legal as long as they are not supported by public funds or promote one religion.
To foster this increased enthusiasm and interest among young Indians to take up entrepreneurship, IIT Bombay's ecell has partnered with Nurture Talent Academy to help students better their b-plans during Eureka 2011.
Although questions about organisms' inborn features and how those features may (or may not) change over time go back at least to Aristotle's proposed teleological view of the epigenesis of organisms, Keller--given her interest in the language of the debate--naturally looks to the earliest use of the specific terminology (Nature versus Nurture) and the specific sense of 'separability and oppositionality' (19); she identifies Francis Galton as the first to create the 'explicit conjunction' (17) of the terms.
How Nurture Protects Children: Nurture and narrative in work with children, young people and families
However, without the Nurture programme, this wouldn't have happened."
Galaxies in isolation; exploring nature versus nurture; proceedings.
Jim Cecil, chairman of the Nurture Institute, a marketing agency in Woodbridge, N.J., agrees wholeheartedly.
Although education is intended to promote the nurture side of the nature vs.
Bishop (educator and nurture group founder) provides both the reasons for establishing nurture groups in schools and the means to accomplish the task.
"Nurture Your Spirits" is a look at, using the Taoist philosophies, spirits in the world.
The Nurture Team is based in Newton Abbot, South Devon and is comprised of variety of professionals who meet weekly to accept referrals and discuss cases regarding children with feeding difficulties.