
Related to aged: Middle aged

age in place

To live in a single appropriately accessible residence as one ages, as opposed to moving to more accessible dwellings as one's mobility decreases. Living in the granny pad on our son's property will allow us to age in place.
See also: age, place

age out

To be too old to remain in an age-based classification or receive age-based services. When you turn 26, you will age out of your parents' health insurance coverage. When these kids turn 10, they'll age out of the after-school program.
See also: age, out

middle-aged spread

Weight that accumulates around a person's midsection due to a decrease in metabolism caused by aging. Barry suddenly started dieting and exercising to prevent the middle-aged spread.
See also: spread
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

age out (of something)

[for an adult] to grow [mentally or in years] out of certain behavior or out of a group or classification that is based on age. (Jargon.) Most of them tend to age out at about 35.
See also: age, out
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.

age out

To reach an age at which one is no longer eligible for certain special services, such as education or protection, from an authority: Unfortunately I have aged out of the special student scholarship program, so I have to pay full price for these classes.
See also: age, out
The American Heritage® Dictionary of Phrasal Verbs.
See also:
  • age in place
  • ageing
  • aging
  • aging in place
  • a change of scenery
  • a change of scene
  • at (one's) doorstep
  • at doorstep
  • go one better
  • go one better (than someone or something)
References in periodicals archive
Llangefni Elsa Bartley aged 4 as Violet from Charlie and Chocolate Factory and Esme Bartley aged 5 as Matilda.
(1980)."The Residential Environment and its Impact on the Mental Health of the Aged".
The history of pension policy drives the book, but Thane has sometimes made eloquent use of the voices of the aged. They include public figures whose aging drew comment, published authors describing their own aging, and otherwise unknown individuals who happened to tell their stories to royal commissions and interested social scientists.
Organizations such as the Jewish Association of Services for the Aged (JASA), Catholic Charities; the United Jewish Appeal (UJA) - which are all non-sectarian, sponsor programs for residents in government assisted housing projects.
Retirees aged 62-64 may earn up to $6,480 before their benefits are affected.
Shaun Peters, aged 36, of Prospect Court, pounds 120
In both the study and the comparison groups, four in 10 births were to 18-24-year-olds, nearly half to women aged 25-34, one in 10 to women in their late 30s and a negligible proportion to women 40 or older.
In other words, one can "defy" age categorization by doing things not usually expected nor identified with growing old--for example, playing basketball in one's 50's with young adults or continuing to work, travel, or educate oneself, volunteering, etc.--all are activities which are not consistent with society's view of an aged person.
With the exception of the United States, the world's richest countries are also the most aged a distinction achieved through decades of below-replacement birthrates.
In the 2001 Census, data showed slightly more than six million Canadians were aged 45 to 59 years, including the baby boomers born between 1946 and 1965, who comprised about three quarters of the six million.
At Massachusetts' Hebrew Rehabilitation Center for the Aged, for example, Neil M.
"Despite the longevity revolution that began a century ago, we are being aged by culture younger all the time," she states.
Mrs Pridham, aged 40, who is expecting her newest arrival on May 3, lives in an eight-bedroom council house in Lincoln with her 38-year-old husband, Kevin.
We have previously developed a model of elastomer aging which uses data taken from laboratory aged specimens and from thermal analysis to predict the tearing energy of aged elastomers (ref.
When all of the photographs have been entered into the system, the forensic artist begins creating the aged image.