

Of a set of parents who were previously married or in a relationship with each other, to jointly raise their child(ren). My ex-boyfriend and I co-parent, so the kids will be with him this weekend. John co-parents with his ex-wife.


Of a set of parents who were previously married or in a relationship with each other, the act of jointly raising their child(ren). I know co-parenting isn't always easy, but at least the kids get to spend time with both of you.

free-range parenting

A movement and/or method of parenting in which children are granted ample freedom with limited parental supervision, within boundaries considered appropriate by their parents. The movement is often seen as a reaction against laws, rules, and societal pressures mandating that children are supervised nearly at all times. We believe in free-range parenting, so once we think our kids are mature enough to handle the responsibility of walking to the park by themselves, we'll let them.
See also: parenting
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
See also:
  • co-parent
  • coparenting
  • co-parenting
  • have a run-in
  • have a run-in with (someone)
  • have a run-in with somebody
  • have a run-in with someone/something
  • turn of the screw
  • a turn of the screw
  • hasty
References in periodicals archive
Along the way, the parenting coordinator works on longer-term issues, such as helping the parents learn to communicate more effectively with each other and build their ability to resolve disputes themselves.
Conservatives may worry, with good reason, that if laws restricting gay parenting aren't locked in now, perhaps drawing strength from the momentum behind anti-gay marriage legislation, their time will soon have passed.
Data analysis revealed several needs expressed by the pregnant and parenting teens in the New Lives sample.
The length of time that these grandparents had been parenting a grandchild ranged from one year to 7 or more years.
She plans to raise these issues in court when the parenting plan is adjusted.
Parenting across the life span: The normative and non-normative cases.
She is the author of The Blessing of a Skinned Knee, a best-selling parenting book now in its twelfth printing.
Finally, several practitioners brought up the conflicting messages that pregnant and parenting teenagers often get from traditional Hispanic culture on the one hand, and from contemporary U.S.
Our adoption and foster care policies are built on the premise that parenting is an intensely personal endeavor.
Parenting ability relies on a complex and unquantifiable mix of skills and emotions.
In the domain of parenting, the need for autonomy implies that parents perceive their parenthood as a choice or as a volitional act.
Fourth, preferred parenting style would also be likely to affect the language that parents employ with their children.
Toward a 20 month pilot project to work with parents who have chronic crack/cocaine and heroin use problems who are clients of the Drug Treatment Court, to provide them with parenting supports and services that identify and prevent high-risk situations with their children.
But because there are often societal obstacles to their relationships and to gay parenting, there is a level of commitment that you don't always see in opposite-sex parents.
(The opposite of generativity, in Erikson's developmental scheme, is "stagnation," i.e., morbid self-absorption, a term that applies with equal force to boomer parenting practices and musical tastes.)