This transaction unleashes the capabilities of Nuix and
Ringtail to address the entire e-discovery market,
Nuix Acquires Ringtail for USD 55m to Expand e-Discovery Platform
Testing of additional archived tissues from 8 similarly affected
ringtail possums and 3 rabbits did not identify further cases positive for F.
Francisella tularensis subsp. holarctica in Ringtail Possums, Australia
We aren't allowed to approach them, of course, or touch them our-selves--although it is OK if a lemur touches you, which is why 1 can report that they have tickly hands and wet noses just like dogs--and when a crew of
ringtails approaches we all have to stand back like chastened paparazzi to allow the VIPs to pass unhindered.
The loneliest Lemur on earth
But some small business contenders, like
Ringtail CEO Jeff Carpenter, said their experience at NIE 12.2 was less than sterling.
Small businesses fight uphill battle for Army network contracts
Up to 564 cat attack cases on
ringtail possums have been reported in the last year alone, making up the biggest part of total cat attacks on wildlife.
Cats under house arrest in Sydney
Once in the canyonlands I saw the crescent moon racing after blue Venus, like rockets, and once I reached a hand and drew five new constellations, known only to me; a
ringtail cat, his eyes like lamps, stood at the edge of my bed in the sand and stared.
Night vision
Five species, blacktail jackrabbit (Lepus californicus),
ringtail (Bassariscus astutus), eastern hognose skunk (Conepatus leuconotus), coyote (Canis latrans) and fulvous harvest mouse (Reithrodontomys fulvescens), are western, and six, armadillo (Dasypus novemcinctus), Baird's pocket gopher (Geomys bursairus), hispid pocket mouse (Perognathus hispidus), pygmy mouse (Baiomys taylori), jaguar (Felis onca) and ocelot (Felis pardalis) are central.
Vertebrate richness and biogeography in the Big Thicket of Texas
miles far up Better still, if you prefer your animals sweet and cuddly, the state mammal's a little fluffball highway for called a
Ringtail. Less huggable, admittedly, but equally arresting, is that the official state fossil (yes, it has one of them also) is, perhaps understandably, 'petrified wood'.
Rusty the
ringtail possum needs to find a new home because he has grown so much and the younger possums in the family need more room.
Noontil, Lucienne: Possum Tale
One creature there--the white possum (technically, the northern lemuroid
ringtail)--is on the verge of extinction.
The way of the possum: what one animal can teach us about global warming
The pure lead bullet I shoot is cast from a Rapine Sharps "
ringtail" mould with a weight of 475 grains and a major diameter of .544".
The civil war percussion sharps: more percussion rifles were made than cartridge models
Repeated visits to a local forest over a number of years has revealed that small old trees harbour populations of native animals including Sugar Gliders, Tuans, Yellow-footed Antechinus, Echidnas,
Ringtail Possums and Brushtail Possums.
Toward a pedagogy for Australian natural history: learning to read and learning content
2002), and even
ringtail (Morales Hernandez 1997) are commonly reported in studies of Barn Owl diet, but these items are scarce.
Mamiferos presas de la lechuza de campanario(Tyto alba) en el sureste de Oaxaca, Mexico
Sterelny offers a hypothetical, initially isolated population of
ringtail possums the average weight of which is two kilograms.
Exquisite debate: Dawkins vs. Gould
While taking this drive on early mornings, or at twilight, it is not unusual to encounter various mammals, such as wildcats, kangaroo rats, skunks,
ringtail cats, and others.
Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument