
  • a matter of record
  • a track record
  • be a matter of record
  • be/go on record
  • break a record
  • break the record
  • break the/a record
  • broken record
  • fall short of goal
  • fall short of the record
  • for the record
  • go on record
  • just for the record
  • like a broken record
  • long-playing record
  • matter of record
  • off the record
  • on record
  • on the record
  • one for the (record) book(s)
  • one for the (record) books
  • put the record straight
  • put/set the record straight
  • record from
  • record from (something)
  • record in
  • record in (something)
  • record on
  • record on (something)
  • rewrite the record books
  • set straight
  • set the record straight
  • sound like a broken record
  • that's one for the (record) book(s)
  • there's one for (record) the book(s)
  • track record
References in classic literature
"Well, then," said Gertrude, afraid to press the point, but determined not to record first, "let Jane Carpenter begin.
"Then turn over my record. There's a rag-time tune on the other side," said the machine.
"All right," said Scraps, and turned over the record.
But the imperfection in the geological record mainly results from another and more important cause than any of the foregoing; namely, from the several formations being separated from each other by wide intervals of time.
Along the whole west coast, which is inhabited by a peculiar marine fauna, tertiary beds are so scantily developed, that no record of several successive and peculiar marine faunas will probably be preserved to a distant age.
and add the day of the month and the year, then take Smith's left hand on another glass strip, and add name and date and the words "left hand." The strips were now returned to the grooved box, and took their place among what Wilson called his "records."
He often studied his records, examining and poring over them with absorbing interest until far into the night; but what he found there-- if he found anything--he revealed to no one.
Then I named the creek 'Bonanza,' staked Discovery, and we come here and recorded."
As we have no public notoriety, no concurrent testimony, no records to support and corroborate what we deliver, it becomes us to keep within the limits not only of possibility, but of probability too; and this more especially in painting what is greatly good and amiable.
I would specially refer such as doubt the sustaining influence of ancestral faith upon character and will to the eleventh and nineteenth chapters, in which are contained the opening and consummation of the Tellurionical Records extending over nine years.
The completion of the Tellurionical Records closed what Lavalle himself was pleased to call the theoretical side of his labours--labours from which the youngest and least impressionable planeur might well have shrunk.
MOST of the adventures recorded in this book really occurred; one or two were experiences of my own, the rest those of boys who were schoolmates of mine.
In the very curious romance on the subject of his adventures in the Holy Land, and his return from thence, it is recorded how he exchanged a pugilistic favour of this nature, while a prisoner in Germany.
So often have you asked me about my former existence--about my mother, about Pokrovski, about my sojourn with Anna Thedorovna, about my more recent misfortunes; so often have you expressed an earnest desire to read the manuscript in which (God knows why) I have recorded certain incidents of my life, that I feel no doubt but that the sending of it will give you sincere pleasure.
"The politicians are wearing me out by pointing to their dirty records with ME, when they could as well use a stick."