not have the heart to

Related to not have the heart to: heart murmur

not have the heart

To not have the emotional resolve (to do something); to be unable to do something, especially that which is or seems callous or unsympathetic. I didn't have the heart to tell her that I didn't love her anymore. How could you fire someone the day after their father died? I wouldn't have the heart.
See also: have, heart, not
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

not have the heart to

Be unable to bring oneself to say or do something, as in He didn't have the heart to tell her the cat had died. [Mid-1600s] Also see have a heart.
See also: have, heart, not
The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer.

not have the ˈheart (to do something)

not be able or willing to do something which could hurt somebody else: I didn’t have the heart to take the money from him — it was all he had.
See also: have, heart, not
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary
See also:
  • not have the heart
  • not have the heart to do
  • have no heart for
  • have no heart for (something)
  • have the heart
  • have the heart (to do something)
  • play the heavy
  • play the heavy, to
  • poor little rich girl
  • poor little rich girl/boy/kid