usher to

usher (someone or something) to (something or some place)

To accompany, escort, or direct someone, something, or some group up to or in the direction of some place or thing. We need to start ushering customers to the auditorium in a quick but orderly fashion. I ushered the trucks to the construction site as discretely as possible. A wailing police car ushered the doctor to the scene of the accident.
See also: usher
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

usher someone to something

to escort or lead someone to something, such as a seat, the door, etc. The well-dressed gentleman ushered the bride to the altar. Her father ushered her to the altar.
See also: usher
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.
See also:
  • usher (someone or something) to (something or some place)
  • usher
  • usher (someone or something) from (something or some place)
  • usher (someone or something) out of (something or some place)
  • usher (someone or something) into (something or some place)
  • see to some place
  • whip away
  • usher into some place
  • walk out with
  • walk out with (someone or something)
References in classic literature
The two ushers at Tom's first school were not gentlemen, and very poorly educated, and were only driving their poor trade of usher to get such living as they could out of it.
The Sultan of Kashgar no sooner heard these words than he ordered an usher to go to the chief of police and to bring all the persons concerned in the hunchback's death, together with the corpse, that he wished to see once again.
'These features allow USHER to maximize its primary purpose, to save lives.
He encouraged Usher to keep Tameka informed of her children's whereabouts and the identity of the people looking after them.
He said some growers complained their wheat harvests could hardly meet family's needs, but still they had to give usher to the Taliban and as well as the prayer leader.
Another nearby resident, Haji Samandar, said people willingly paid usher to the Taliban.
had even sent Usher to New York City to live with Puffy to hang out with him and learn the ropes of the record industry.
It didn't take long for Usher to realize that his unique mix of hip-hop and R&B music ("Just being myself") was on target.
She says it was ludicrous for Usher to say that she coordinated coverage to fit the purposes of Kaye Steinmetz, because she wrote stories on child support issues long after Steinmetz left the legislature.
She also called on Usher to respond to the allegations and to verify if he tested positive or negative for the STD.
Winning in the 6th season of the show may be a reason for Usher to go back to defend his title, although he will not be back on the show this coming season.
But she had no idea that her internet entrepreneur boyfriend Andrew Williams had lined up Usher to perform.
"The Voice USA" blind auditions on Tuesday witnessed something strange, as Shakira shook a leg with Usher to robot dance, after the latter beat the former in the fight for a contestant.