
Related to penny-ante: ups the ante

penny ante

Having little or no significance or worth. They seem to think this penny ante increase to the minimum wage is some kind of massive victory that will change everyone's lives for the better. My wife always comes back from our vacations with a bag full of penny ante trinkets that get thrown out a year later.
See also: ante, penny
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.


mod. trivial; cheap. (see also ante.) I’m sick of this penny-ante stuff. Let’s get serious.
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
See also:
  • penny ante
  • raise the ante
  • raise the ante, to
  • raise/up the ante
  • a pretty penny
  • pretty penny
  • pretty penny, a
  • spend a penny
  • penny for the guy
  • gain
References in periodicals archive
While the definition of "penny-ante" card games is relatively simple, [section] 849.085 (2004) has additional requirements that must be followed if the participants are to fully avail themselves of the laws safe harbor.
Where he's found problems, they've been penny-ante schemes hatched by individual hustlers.
Then opportunity knocks when Shane and his penny-ante friends decide to go into the bookmaking business.
No doubt we need a break or two when "the news," CNN-style, consists of an endless infomercial for war with Iraq or some other penny-ante state.
Now that we are now on the threshold of improving and enlarging the world's penultimate weapon, we can expect this gorgeous new gadget to become so prevalent and popular in size and number to completely cower all countries and penny-ante politicians who refuse to cooperate with our country.
We saw the cracks in the dam with the penny-ante scandal from that dollar-store operation that no one really paid any attention to.
Far from being penny-ante in scope, insurance fraud frequently involves highly organized rings and professionals such as doctors, lawyers, chiropractors, and body shop operators, he said.
The engaging personal note sounded in the preface suggests she could craft them if she cared to: Years ago, my older brother tried to convince me that whenever he and his friends played penny-ante poker, a police raid was in the offing.
Sorley's narration of opportunity lost cannot help but evoke sadness and frustration among readers who served in Vietnam or anyone who has wondered over the years how the superpower that could send men to the moon failed to prevail over an adversary that Lyndon Johnson called a "two-bit, penny-ante country." That we actually came closer to victory than most thought is Sorley's message, delivered with a powerful broadside aimed at the anti-war movement's love affair with their romanticized image of the Vietnamese communists, and punctuated by a well-aimed volley directed at the anti-war movement's allies in the US Congress.
Won't someone stand up for the penny-ante idealists encountering The Man on his turf for the first time?" (Quoted in The Wall Street Journal, 8/18/99)
From the start, Lehman acknowledges that he is engaged in paradox." Paradoxically," he writes, "one of the ways the New York School of poets was avant-garde was in resisting the 'movement' mentality with its inevitable solemnity and penny-ante philosophizing' (27).
Governments are complying, granting monopolies over information and information products that make the monopolies of the 19th century robber barons look like penny-ante operations.
And since a marriage can weather tension more easily than a career can withstand scandal or distrust, you're much more likely to forgo a few nights of marital bliss than to jeopardize your future through some penny-ante favoritism.
On the other hand, three penny-ante drug deals can get you fife without parole.)
The American people want an economic strategy designed to meet domestic needs, not penny-ante tax breaks designed to advance presidential ambitions.