pack together

pack together

To fit multiple people or things into a confined space or container. A noun or pronoun can be used between "pack" and "together." They packed all 20 of us together into a hot, stuffy meeting room to listen to the boss's boring lecture about workplace safety. I don't know how they packed together so many things into one box.
See also: pack, together
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

pack someone or something together

to press or squeeze people or things together. The ushers packed the people together as much as they dared. They packed together all the people standing in the room. They packed the cups together too tightly and some broke.
See also: pack, together
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.
See also:
  • angle
  • angling
  • not do (someone or oneself) any favors
  • arch over
  • ask back
  • involve with
  • involve with (someone or something)
  • involved with
  • arrange for some time
  • arrange some music for
References in periodicals archive
"We took the approach of designing a molecule that has a shape that won't pack together with other, identical molecules very well, but will change into a more stackable shape on exposure to nitric oxide," McNeil said.
The researchers placed the liquid crystals in water, which caused the water-loving ends to pack together and form nanometer-scale pores.
"If they can keep that pack together, there is no reason why they shouldn't win every game from now on."
For example, Paul Gailiunas, an artist in Newcastle, England, encouraged Erdely to look for additional spidron-based polyhedral forms that can pack together to fill space.
"If we can keep this pack together, and with the other opportunities coming from the bench, we have got depth coming from the forwards," said Straeuli in the aftermath of a game that saw South Africa score eight tries and their exciting fly-half prospect Derick Hougaard amass 21 points.
High-density disks are the ones most likely to pack together lots of material rapidly into large, Jupiter-size planets, says Strom.
When a solid is squeezed under high pressure, its constituent atoms or molecules pack together tightly and have less room to move about.
Rather than forming into neatly organized lattices, the atoms in these mixtures are expected to pack together in a dense but randomly ordered arrangement--a glass.
"It enhances our understanding of one of the outstanding questions in science"--namely, how densely various types of objects can pack together.
Because perpendicular bits pack together more tightly than do longitudinal bits of the same size, this technique should produce denser storage without sacrificing thermal stability, says Kryder.
When the bristle molecules assemble themselves onto a gold surface, they usually pack together so tightly that they can't bend over.
In Earth's core, iron atoms pack together and make crystals in the shape of hexagonal prisms, says Gerd Steinle-Neumann, a geophysicist at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor.
Only three regular polygons pack together snugly without leaving gaps: equilateral triangles, squares, and regular hexagons.
CORE considers only one aspect of what makes a protein hold together well: how tightly the hydrophobic, or water-avoiding, amino acids in the interior of the enzyme pack together. Using only that characteristic is controversial, Farid concedes, but CORE arrives at the same answers as other, lengthier computer simulations.
They determined how strongly the molecules would attach to a simulated limestone surface and how densely the molecules would pack together there.