The old instinct of deference and humility was there; the habit of decent self-effacement and knowledge of her "own place." But there mingled with it a certain mild audacity, born of the occasion and of a sense, probably, of Newman's unprecedented approachableness, and, beyond this, a vague indifference to the old proprieties; as if my lady's
own woman had at last begun to reflect that, since my lady had taken another person, she had a slight reversionary property in herself.
Jennings laughed heartily; and Elinor found that in her resolution to know where they had been, she had actually made her
own woman enquire of Mr.
Sense and Sensibility
Now that the awkward moment of revelation was over, Miss Cornelia was her
own woman again.
Annes House of Dreams
own woman was of the party--a veritable giantess, a virago of the first magnitude--and she was evidently the only thing in the world of which Usanga stood in awe.
Tarzan the Untamed
The author also said that after Markle was cast in "Suits," she became her
own woman. She was no longer dependent on another man, and everyone noticed it.
Meghan Markle Criticisms In Andrew Morton's Book Reflect Sexism
Bradley's choice is to be a continuity Minister or to be her
own woman and do what is right.
Required reading
Steve is so floored that he turns to the worst person for advice, Dev - who has had his
own woman trouble recently, thinking he'd slept with babysitter Mary.
I am my
own woman Former shadow minister Angela Eagle launches her Labour leadership bid That's my boy Andy Murray's mum Judy tweets a picture with him and the Wimbledon trophy I knew the car with my spare was five minutes behind on the road, so I needed to run Bikeless Chris Froome makes a run for it after crashing during the Tour de France Len you're not just a Goodman - you're a great man and we love you dearly Strictly Come Dancing host Tess Daly pays tribute to Len Goodman who's quitting the show after the next series after 12 years as head judge
Quotes of the week
I am not a Blairite, I am not a Brownite and I am not a Corbynista, I am my
own woman," she said.
Eagle launches challenge to Corbyn to lead Labour Party
Council members disregarded recommendations from the Supreme Council for Women and the Interior and Social Development Ministries to scrap the article - as its
own woman and child committee, which initially opposed its insertion, has since changed its mind.
Spousal abuse bill soon
Favourably compared to Indigo Girls and Beth Orton, it's fairer to say that Thorpe is her
own woman. While there's a certain folksiness to her vocals, her music is more sophisticated that that of Emily Sailers or Amy Ray.
Dinah Thorpe & the Five White Guys
She is her
own woman, And this means more to her than The time that is
Old Woman, One Porch Down
The princess strikes me as her
own woman and I like that.
SHE was once just pop star Jessica Simpson's younger sister but now, with a career, a husband and a son, Ashlee Simpson-Wentz is her
own woman.
Ashlee finds her Melrose Place
Resolved to become a teacher, her independence is challenged by suitors--and romance tends to stand against her being her
own woman. "Beautiful Dreamer" is a fine novel of what many ambitious career women faced during this era.
Beautiful Dreamer