Related to killer: serial killer
baby killer
1. A pejorative term for someone who advocates for, supports, performs, or has had an abortion. Primarily heard in US, South Africa. The mob gathered around the clinic, shouting "Baby killers!" at anyone entering or leaving the building.
2. A pejorative term for a soldier returning from war, used by those who oppose said war. Although the phrase was commonly applied to US soldiers returning from the Vietnam War, it has since fallen out of favor. Primarily heard in US, South Africa. She called me a baby killer as I stepped off the plane, which really hurt because I had been enlisted and didn't want to go to war.
See also: baby, killer
killer instinct
An innate or intuitive inclination and ability to do whatever is necessary in order to succeed, no matter how ruthless. She has the killer instinct needed to claw her way to the top of the industry. You've got book smarts, kid, but you'll never make it as a lawyer if you don't have a killer instinct.
See also: instinct, killer
killer weed
1. slang Exceptionally potent marijuana. I like the odd puff of a joint, but the killer weed that Tom smokes is way too intense for me.
2. slang Marijuana that has been laced with phencyclidine (commonly known as PCP). If you think regular pot isn't exciting enough, why don't you make some killer weed by sprinkling this stuff into your joint? You'll have a trip you'll never forget!
3. slang Parsley flakes that have been laced with PCP as a substitute for or imitation of marijuana. After everyone started having horrible trips, I started to suspect that we had been sold killer weed instead of the real deal.
See also: killer, weed
1. Any person or thing that is especially excellent, outstanding, talented, astonishing, etc. Sometimes spelled without the hyphen. She has a reputation as a killer-diller among other lawyers in the state. The music festival promises to be a real killer diller, featuring performances by some of the biggest bands in the world. The new film is being touted as a killer-diller of horror films.
2. Excellent, outstanding, talented, astonishing, etc. Usually used before a noun. He's got a killer-diller outfit picked out for the performance. The band has become an overnight sensation with their new killer-diller song.
lady killer
A charming man who has a reputation for seducing many women. I wouldn't date Dan if I were you. Word on the street is that he's a real lady killer.
See also: killer, lady
the killer kind
The dangerous type of a thing that is otherwise benign. The phrase can but does not always refer to things that are actually life-threatening. Oh man, this brain freeze is the killer kind—ouch, my head! What are you so scared of? It's not like these bees are the killer kind.
See also: killer, kind
thrill killer
One who derives excitement or pleasure from murdering people. I think our suspect is a thrill killer and really enjoys carrying out these violent crimes.
See also: killer, thrill
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
killer instinct
Cliché an inborn desire or ability to be ruthless. Fred has a real killer instinct. He's a difficult boss to work for.
See also: instinct, killer
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.
1. n. a marijuana cigarette. How about a killer, Wilmer?
2. n. a very funny joke. She told a killer about a red-nosed juicer.
3. n. something extraordinary. That car is a killer. I like it!
4. mod. extraordinary; great. What a killer jacket you’re wearing!
killer weed
1. n. very potent marijuana. (Drugs.) Wow, this stuff is killer weed!
2. n. phencyclidine (PCP), an animal tranquilizer. (Drugs.) Killer weed seems to be a favorite around here just now.
See also: killer, weed
n. an excellent thing or person. She is just a real killer-diller.
n. a man who is very successful with women. Bruno is anything but a lady killer.
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
- baby killer
- bean queen
- busta
- libtard
- cuckservative
- do (someone) in
- butch
- earn an honest buck