fighting mad

fighting mad

Infuriated. This colloquial expression of American origin dates from the late nineteenth century. William James used it in a letter of 1896: “If any other country’s ruler had expressed himself with equal moral ponderosity, wouldn’t the population have gone twice as fighting-mad as ours?”
See also: fight, mad
The Dictionary of Clichés by Christine Ammer
See also:
  • gotcha
  • nome
  • Nome sane?
  • Nome sayin'?
  • like, you know
  • Crown Vic
  • 'sall good
  • forgeddaboudit
  • forgeddaboutit
  • fuggedaboudit
References in periodicals archive
They buried their dead, and they came out fighting mad to push for solutions.
All incredibly dirty, incredibly tired but still fighting mad.
Mr Robertson said: "Harper was still fighting mad and tried to hit Owen on the back of the head with a glass.
Then I was fighting mad when I figured out it was the manufacturers' fault; these bows were impossible to tune all along.
-- Rhetoric runs rampant in Washington, D.C., especially among legislators, but Congresswoman Ann Wagner, R-Mo., is fighting mad about the DOL's fiduciary rule.
Government trappers prefer it for killing troublesome mountain lions--cats die in the tree instead of being knocked out, hurt and fighting mad, into their pack of valuable dogs.
Yet now that they have finally seen the light, our neocons are fighting mad and not enjoying their holidays in the same spirit they did ten years ago.
FIGHTING MAD: Dallas, far left, was booted and ref Alain Hamer broke the strike.
During his time at Warner's and later at Columbia, Carey starred with actors including Gary Cooper in "Springfield Rifle," Henry Fonda in "Mister Roberts," Peter Fonda in "Fighting Mad" and Tyrone Power in "The Long Gray Line."
MEL B looks terrifically toned during a gruelling workout for her new Las Vegas show - as it was revealed she's fighting mad over a dance rival muscling in on her act.
And the England wing insists he and his team-mates are fighting mad to get stuck into Castres today.
Most Israeli workers are sick to death of war, government lies and corruption, and fighting mad about proposed 2009 budget cuts.
and 200 families on this new estate are fighting mad.
WAYNE Elcock is fighting mad. He is convinced he is not being taken at all seriously by the opposition camp in his quest to become the new IBF middleweight champion of the world here in Basle tomorrow night.
Lou Dobbs is fighting mad and fighting back concerning the widely-publicized commentary by popular New York Times busienss columnist David Leonhardt on his alleged misuse of statistics, particularly in regard to the incidence of leprosy in this country -- and its link to illegal immigrants.