peep show

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peep show

A pornographic show in which a video or live performance of a nude or partially clothed woman is exhibited in a coin-operated booth, with a small peephole through which the customer looks. The actor's career tanked pretty hard after he was caught frequenting peep shows in the docks.
See also: peep, show
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

peep show

A short soft-core porn exhibition. To enjoy “forbidden” glimpses of naked female flesh, a man went to an arcade in a sleazy neighborhood, paid his dime or quarter, entered a booth, and stared through a peep hole at a partially or fully unclothed woman. The “show,” which lasted for no more than five or ten minutes, began when a shade or other obstruction over the peep hole was raised and ended when it was lowered. Instead of “live models,” some peep shows featured short films shown on individual viewing machines. Peep shows became less and less commercially viable as movie houses (and now the Internet) showed more explicit fare.
See also: peep, show
Endangered Phrases by Steven D. Price
See also:
  • girlie show
  • pass current
  • shekel
  • shekels
  • a coin flip
  • a coin toss
  • look through (something)
  • toss a coin
  • flip a coin
  • Heads or tails?
References in periodicals archive
The first two seasons of the Peep Show were filmed in Croydon.
"Peep Show is ridiculously popular in America," smiles Paterson.
But it was their multi-award-winning Peep Show which raised Mitchell and Webb's profile to new heights, as did the sketch show That Mitchell And Webb Look.
"I'm taking a few weeks off my Observer column to film a new series of Peep Show. It's nice not to have to write the jokes," Mitchell ( posted on Twitter Sunday.
Toronto-based filmmaker Robert DeLeskie's Peep Show, part of the excellent Bravo!FACT-produced anthology of shorts, is an often hilarious, intensely clever four-minute adaptation of a dance duet performed by David Danzon and Sylvie Bouchard of Toronto's Corpus Dance Company.
LAST SUPPERS In what critics have called a "morbid peep show," the Texas Department of Criminal Justice has posted on the Internet a long list of minutiae related to its execution of death-row inmates.
* PEEP Show. Powerful senators back PEEP, the Poultry Energy Power Act, which would dole out tax credits to power plants that burn chicken poop.
From Peep Show to Palace: The Birth of American Film.
"Peep Show" boasts its 25[cts] worth of live girls, hot action, toplessness and explicit language, and throws in a clumsily interwoven portrait of the suburban housewives who cannot comprehend their addicted husbands' lunch-break excursions.
At each end of Show World Center are staircases leading to the live peep show performers.
The Peep Show pair are returning to Channel 4 on Wednesday in new sitcom Back.
One of the short films featured at the festival, Dark Room, stars well-known comedy star David Mitchell, from Peep Show.
CHOICE David Mitchell (right) Peep Show Channel 4, 10pm Mark is intent on winning the woman of his dreams, regardless of the fact that she already has a husband, and goes to some extraordinary lengths to do so - including a joint trip to the skin clinic for molemapping.
4) Peep Show returns to Channel 4 for a final time.
IT was less a case of "Ambassador, wiz zees Ferrero Rocher you are really spoiling us" and more "Wiz zees Ambassors you are really spoiling Peep Show for us".