Taking toTwitter, one viewer said: "
Boy oh boy #Untouchable is an awful subject beautifully done.
Harvey Weinstein doc viewers 'feel sick' as alleged rape victim gives chilling account; 'Untouchable' viewers struggled to watch Hope D'Amore describe the moment she alleges Harvey Weinstein sexually assaulted her
How I'd love to be that boy once more,
boy oh boy if I only could!
POEM OF THE DAY; Unbridled Joy
Fans Sheila, Sue and Karen Callaghan told The Chronicle: "We knew he would bring a storm when he announced he was coming to Chester and
boy oh boy he didn't disappoint!
Sir Tom has a great time singing in the rain; Heavens open as legendary singer entertains crowds at re-arranged racecourse gig
Our guides are both spider rigging and slip bobber fishing with live bait and
boy oh boy are they catching them.
Lake Shelbyville fishing report
Boy oh boy, the Scottish Government's plan to ban the smacking of children really has got some danders up.
The hot and the not
"I think to myself, '
boy oh boy, do it in the right order.
Gullit sticks De boot in! Ruud puts De boot in
It's a movie both mawkish and whimsical - you'll need a strong stomach for over-cooked corn - but,
boy oh boy, does it deliver in the last 40 minutes or so.
THE WALK (PG) Rating ...
It's a movie both mawkish and whimsical but,
boy oh boy, does it deliver in the last 40 minutes or so.
True story is a dizzying spectacle
Literacy is at the heart of these expectations in the way I ask students to present their writing and
boy oh boy do they respond in the way Didau outlines.
Didau, David: The Secret of Literacy: Making the Implicit, Explicit
On April 10, Samsung showcased the new device and
boy oh boy it has some smart features.
Galaxy S5 launched in India too
One viewer said: "Vegan condoms oh
boy oh boy oh boy"
Glyde Condoms: Advert for Vegan Contraception Goes Viral [VIDEO]
The terror plot and a strand involving secret courts may make it topical but,
boy oh boy, a story that hinges on a point of legalese is every bit as dreary as it sounds.
GGrreeyy aarriiaa; SSttoorryyooffaammaatteeuurrooppeerraassiinnggeerr''ss rriissee ffaaiillss ttoohhiitt tthheehhiigghhnnootteess,,mmaakkiinnggiitt aassttrraannggeellyyffoorrggeettttaabblleeffaaiirryyttaallee
Catwalk trends included Palette Cleanser, Gothic Tailoring, Chunky Knit, Skirt Silhouette, Mixed Print, Varsity,
Boy Oh Boy and Punk Rebellion.
I was not so sure of Robinson either, I expected him to be the foolish boyfriend without a clue on how to act but
boy oh boy was I wrong again.
boy oh boy, did the defendants benefit from the theft!
The greatest trade secret heist the world has ever known?