

An excessive amount or degree of something; far too much of something. Don't you think all these flowers are a bit overkill? OK, ease up on the shouting, Tom. It's just overkill at this point.
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.


n. too much. That is enough. Any more is just overkill.
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
See also:
  • a slew of (something)
  • a slue of (something)
  • a/the feel of (something)
  • (I) wouldn't (do something) if I were you
  • a straw will show which way the wind blows
  • a crack at (someone or something)
  • all right
  • (you) wanna make something of it?
  • all for the best
  • a thing of the past
References in periodicals archive
Sixth, Martin's posited megafaunal naivete as instrumental to overkill can operate only if humans did not inhabit North America before the advent of Clovis technology, but North American human presence (and potential megafaunal predation) dates to thousands of years before Clovis as indicated by the archeological record.
"The danger is overkill with Twenty20 cricket because we've seen in county cricket this season that they're playing 16 games over the next three or four weeks.
"House of the Dead: Overkill" was given a 8.0 rating out of 10 by video game website Gamespot, which said it "reinvents the aging shooter series for the better with an over-the-top grindhouse theme that resonates in its every aspect, from the hilarious story to the fantastic vintage soundtrack."
The Everglades holds over 2 million acres of countryside to enjoy, so even though other explorations by different authors have appeared, it's no overkill to add yet another.
The early kick off wasn't exactly an incentive for many fans to travel, and why brave the elements anyway when it's on the box - just another slot in the televised overkill of football.
The former, a response to the rise of fascism in 1940, rides Franz Liszt's score with simplistic representations of light and darkness, the Birmingham Royal Ballet dancers awash in expressionistic overkill. Ashton choreographed Scenes de Ballet in 1948 for Margot Fonteyn and Michael Somes, but his intently literal rendition of Stravinsky's irregular rhythms worked against him; Balanchine knew that Stravinsky's pauses also allowed for choreography.
Is it "overkill" to have in-house maintenance personnel and a contract with a dealership for maintenance?
In a backup and recovery storage configuration, traditional RAID seems like overkill. Having all of the disks spinning at the same time seems like having all the tapes in a robot loaded in drives all the time.
Secret bank jams and pool events have sprung up here and there through the years, but this may be the first true street-style inception--especially in today's atmosphere of Skate Stoppers and overkill security.
Some public health experts question whether this is overkill. We're putting billions of dollars into a putative threat of disputed relevance at a time when there's a shortage of flu vaccine and measles vaccine," said Milton Leitenberg, an expert on biowarfare at the University of Maryland's Center for International and Security Studies.
03, page 41), I felt the firm engaged in overkill in transforming its compensation system.
news) Is less fatal the network's answer to overkill?.
The amount of radiation used to sterilize the mail is "overkill," suggests Tumosa.
Overkill? Maybe, but you couldn't do this research on your own in a month of Sundays.
For most small- to mid-size companies, however, it presents a financially impractical approach and is overkill, given the transaction loads and real-time constraints of the business.