
a load of nonsense

Exaggerated, foolish, or untruthful talk. Personally, I think the notion of "love at first sight" is a load of nonsense.
See also: load, nonsense, of

a load of rubbish

Exaggerated, foolish, or untruthful talk; nonsense or falsehoods. Personally, I think the notion of "love at first sight" is a load of rubbish.
See also: load, of, rubbish

make (a) nonsense of (something)

To treat something serious or important in a silly or ridiculous manner; to make a mockery of something. The candidate has been making a nonsense of the whole political process, but for some reason many voters feel that that is just what's needed. I don't appreciate you making nonsense of this class with your rude remarks and obnoxious behavior.
See also: make, nonsense, of

no nonsense

adjective Totally serious; with no tricks or deceit. Hyphenated before a noun. The new manager is very no nonsense in how he deals with customer complaints. We're going to start adopting a no-nonsense approach to the problem.
See also: no, nonsense

stuff and nonsense

Foolishness; absurd behavior or talk. We have a meeting each week meant to motivate staff, but it's just stuff and nonsense from management. A: "I'll just hire some movers." B: "Stuff and nonsense! I'd be happy to help you move."
See also: and, nonsense, stuff
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

make nonsense of something

to make something appear to be silly or nonsensical. You are just making nonsense of everything I have tried to do. Your statement makes nonsense of everything you have said before.
See also: make, nonsense, of

no nonsense

without any tricks, deceit, or wasting of time. (Hyphenated before nominals.) Let's have no nonsense while we are rehearsing the presentation! Elton is a no-nonsense kind of guy.
See also: no, nonsense

stuff and nonsense

foolishness; foolish talk. Come on! Don't give me all that stuff and nonsense! I don't understand this book. It's all stuff and nonsense as far as I am concerned.
See also: and, nonsense, stuff
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.

stuff and nonsense

Utter foolishness or absurdity, as in Stuff and nonsense, of course I can pack a suitcase. Often used as an interjection, this idiom employs stuff in the sense of "rubbish." It was first recorded in 1749.
See also: and, nonsense, stuff
The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer.

make nonsense (or a nonsense) of

reduce the value of something to a ridiculous degree.
See also: make, nonsense, of
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary

a load of (old) ˈrubbish, ˈnonsense, etc.

(informal) nonsense; worthless: Don’t bother to watch that film. It’s a load of old rubbish.
See also: load, of

make (a) ˈnonsense of something

reduce the value of something by a lot; make something seem ridiculous: If people can bribe police officers, it makes a complete nonsense of the legal system.
See also: make, nonsense, of, something

stuff and ˈnonsense

(spoken, old-fashioned) used to say that you think something is not true or stupid: A hotel for the night? Stuff and nonsense! You’re staying here with us.
See also: and, nonsense, stuff
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary
See also:
  • a load of nonsense
  • a load of rubbish, nonsense, etc.
  • rubbish
  • a load of rubbish
  • a bunch of malarkey
  • malarkey
  • malarky
  • load of crap
  • a load of (something)
References in periodicals archive
Maurice (Low Words/Low Sounds Group): Figure 1 indicates that during baseline, Maurice's mean number of nonsense words read correctly was 9.1 per minute (range, 4-15), and the mean number of nonsense words read incorrectly was 7.5 per minute (range, 1-16).
"Nonprofit Nonsense & Common Sense" is highly recommended to anyone beginning or already involved in nonprofit, very useful tool.
At the same time, technical features of these early reading measures (word identification fluency and nonsense word fluency) have never been contrasted with the same sample using the same procedures.
On "Nonsense," comedians impersonate politicians and other public officials.
In their experiments, the scientists first presented a 10-minute stream of nine randomly arranged nonsense words to 14 adults.
Cohen begins by reminding us that the demand that generals be given a free hand goes back to the Roman republic when Consul Lucius Aemilius Paullus, in 168 B.C., sneered at the senatorial armchair warriors who presumed to advise him about subduing the Macedonians: "The city itself provides enough subjects for conversation; let him confine his garrulity to these; and let him be aware that I shall be satisfied with the advice originating in camp." But as Cohen astutely points out, the idea of the military officer as a consummate professional clinically carrying out his task is nonsense. It was Clausewitz who noted that politics can never be divorced from warfare.
Centuries later, Sigmund Freud would put the matter more delicately, posing it as a question: if I am to believe nonsense, why only this nonsense?
Knesset member Tzvi Hendel said, "If these primitive murderers stuff their brains with nonsense about Paradise and who-knows-how-many virgins waiting only for them, then they certainly believe in the other nonsense that being buried with pigskin blocks their way to Paradise."
Literally it means "Empty Tales," metaphorically "Idle Talk." "Nonsense Stories" would be truer to the content of the book.
I suppose even REASON must publish some measure of nonsense, but it is regrettable that some such nonsense--namely, Jacob Sullum's interview with Thomas Szasz--may do considerable harm.
This, of course, is sheer and errant nonsense. But that such nonsense is seriously uttered may be cause for concern.
Precious Nonsense: The Gettysburg Address, Ben Jonson's Epitaphs on His Children, and Twelfth Night.
At the end of the tour, the visitors were shown a 20-minute video that was shockingly bad: The narrator spoke perfect English, but the words of his script sounded like utter nonsense ("We develop highly functional products that can be more conveniently enjoyed in actualizing the future...").
This short, useful book surveys reviews, articles, and books on Lear and his nonsense, visual art, musical composition, published letters, and travel books.
"It's nonsense," says Gerry Bell, a climate researcher at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) in Maryland.