
Related to none: Noni
  • (it) don't bother me none
  • (it) won't bother me none
  • (it) wouldn't bother me none
  • a bad excuse is better than none
  • a Jack of all trades is a master of none
  • a Jill of all trades is a master of none
  • all of the above
  • bad excuse is better than none
  • bar none
  • be having none of (something)
  • be none of (one's) business
  • be none of somebody's business
  • be none the wiser
  • be none the wiser/no wiser
  • be second to none
  • Buckley's and none
  • don't bother me none
  • half a loaf is better than none
  • half a loaf is better than none/no bread
  • have none of
  • have none of (something)
  • have none of it/that
  • have/want none of it/that
  • jack of all trades is a master of none
  • jack of all trades, master of none
  • Jill of all trades(, master of none)
  • none but the brave deserve the fair
  • none of (one's) beeswax
  • none of (one's) business
  • none of beeswax
  • none of business
  • none of one's business
  • none of someone’s beeswax
  • none of the above
  • none of your business!
  • None of your lip!
  • none other than
  • none other than somebody
  • none taken
  • none the (something)
  • none the wiser
  • none the worse (for something)
  • none the worse for
  • none the worse for something
  • none the worse for wear
  • none too
  • none too clever, happy, quickly, etc.
  • none too pleased
  • none too soon
  • not have it
  • one of these days is none of these days
  • second to none
  • there's none so blind as those who will not see
  • there's none so deaf as those that will not hear
  • there's none so deaf as those who will not hear
  • want none of (something)
  • want none of it/that
  • we're none of us perfect
  • will have none of (something)
  • will have none of something
References in classic literature
"Some go clawing trees; some go scratching at the graves of the dead; some go fighting with foreheads or feet or claws; some bite suddenly, none giving occasion; some love uncleanness."
"None escape," said the Ape-man, scratching his calf.
"None escape," said the little pink sloth-creature.
He moved through the middle terrace, where the way is always easiest, until he reached a point opposite the vine-clad portion of the wall, and there he waited, listening and scenting, until he might assure himself that there was no Numa within his immediate vicinity, or, at least, none that sought him.
None, I ween, but ye Must pine, poor maids, in single barrenness.
"Have none entered here since?" I asked, peering again down the dark passage.
Pushing my hand through the hole in the lid I drew it out full, not of diamonds, but of gold pieces, of a shape that none of us had seen before, and with what looked like Hebrew characters stamped upon them.
This was the part which she undertook to perform; and, indeed, she executed it so well, that none of our theatrical actresses could exceed her, in any of their performances, either on or off the stage.
"Of late years, few indeed," she said, "for none dare stand against him--no, not with all to win.
Fifty-and-three have I slain in my youth without a wound, and now for many years I have challenged, like a cock on a dunghill, and none crow in answer."
Which when BEELZEBUB perceiv'd, then whom, SATAN except, none higher sat, with grave Aspect he rose, and in his rising seem'd A Pillar of State; deep on his Front engraven Deliberation sat and publick care; And Princely counsel in his face yet shon, Majestick though in ruin: sage he stood With ATLANTEAN shoulders fit to bear The weight of mightiest Monarchies; his look Drew audience and attention still as Night Or Summers Noon-tide air, while thus he spake.
Warr hath determin'd us, and foild with loss Irreparable; tearms of peace yet none Voutsaf't or sought; for what peace will be giv'n To us enslav'd, but custody severe, And stripes, and arbitrary punishment Inflicted?
As there is neither sun with us, nor any light of such a kind as to make shadows, we have none of the helps to the sight that you have in Spaceland.
From all of her year she may claim One haunch of each kill for her litter, and none may deny her the same.
The same is also observed in many others with respect to natural children; but it is through want of citizens regularly born that they admit such: for these laws are always made in consequence of a scarcity of inhabitants; so, as their numbers increase, they first deprive the children of a male or female slave of this privilege, next the child of a free-woman, and last of all they will admit none but those whose fathers and mothers were both free.