

slang To ignore someone in one's presence in order to pay attention to the content on one's phone or other mobile device. The term derives from "phubbing," a combination of "phone" and "snubbing" that was coined as part of a marketing campaign for an Australian dictionary. I'm right here—quit phubbing me and read your tweets later!


slang The act of ignoring someone in one's presence in order to pay attention to the content on one's phone or other mobile device. The term, a combination of "phone" and "snubbing," was coined as part of a marketing campaign for an Australian dictionary. Apparently, phubbing is a big problem in a lot of relationships. We'd rather spend time with our phones than our partners!
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
See also:
  • at the end of (one's) fingertips
  • at (one's) doorstep
  • at doorstep
  • at expense
  • at somebody's expense
  • at someone's expense
  • at (one's) expense
  • be remembered as (something)
  • be remembered as/for something
  • be in (one's) good graces
References in periodicals archive
Al Amin Rahman opened the scoring at the quarter-hour mark followed by a long throw-in before Bhutan defender Phub Dorji equalized it two minutes later.
I amaggressive in my own way.'Tandin said though shefaces criticism sometimes,she takes it in her stridebecause she has a strong andbrave heart.She studied boxing fromCoach Sigyel Phub in 2016in his club Druk ThimphuBoxing Club and joinedBhutan Boxing Federation(BBF) a year later in 2017 asthe Federation had qualifiedcoaches.Tandin feels thatwomen are looked downfor their weaknesses but shebelieves in herself and findsmotivation within.
In that night, archangel Gabriel came to the Holy Prophet (PHUB) and brought him a conveyance called Buraq and the Holy Prophet (PHUB) got on and moved toward Jerusalem.
This was followed by the opening remarks by Phub Dorji, Chief Executive Officer, Bhutan Development Bank Chairman, ADFIAP; and an inaugural speech by Dr Dhafir bin Awadh Al-Shanfari, Chief Executive Officer, Omani Authority for Partnership for Development.
Boss "phubbing", or a situation wherein a supervisor snubs an employee in favour a mobile phone in a meeting, undermines trust and engagement in the workplace, as stated in the Gulf News report, "Does your boss often 'phub' you?", published on January 20.
(33.) Phub Tshering, Joarder, Chowdhury MA, Saha KL.
A tabu search metaheuristic was used to solve a mathematical optimization model that extends the phub median model for interacting hub location-allocation problems to the domain of intermodal logistics.
If I want to use the internet, I only own one device capable of doing it with: my PC at home." In response to a query from one facebooker on etiquette - is there ever an occasion when it is 'alright' to phub? - 'Stop Phubbing' replied: "Obviously if it's urgent, then phub away.
Ibn Kathir (1997) in his interpretation states that this verse is an important basis for emulating the Prophet (phub) in what he said (Aqwal), what he did (Af'al) and his condition (Ahwal).
"Our aim is to work together for investments in Bhutan and from this we can gain technology transfer, business partnerships, give a platform for our business and also explore business and investment opportunities together," said BCCI general secretary Phub Dorji.
Phub Zam and a 26-member Bhutan business delegation also attended the program.
Project Manager from MoIC Phub Gyeltshen said they are looking at rolling out 80 EV taxis by the end of this year, 100 more in 2020 and another 120 in 2021.
This will be followed by opening remarks by Phub Dorji, Chief Executive Officer, Bhutan Development Bank, and Chairman, ADFIAP, and an inaugural speech by Dr Dhafir bin Awadh Al Shanfari, Chief Executive Officer, Omani Authority for Partnership for Development.
UAE: 326 for nine in 40 overs (Salman Raza 62, Shiv Mehra 49, Warna Kalihara 78 not out, Abdullah Saif 24, Simon Charles 64; Tenzin Wangchuk 4 for 61, Phub Thinley 2 for 60).