
Related to peace: Peace of God, Peace Corps
  • (there's) no peace for the weary
  • (there's) no peace/rest for the wicked
  • a peace offering
  • a/the peace dividend
  • at peace
  • at peace with
  • be at peace
  • be at peace with the world
  • bring (someone or something) to the peace table
  • hold (one's) peace
  • hold (one's) tongue
  • hold one's peace
  • hold one's tongue
  • hold peace
  • hold your peace
  • hold your peace/tongue
  • if you want peace, (you must) prepare for war
  • If you want peace, prepare for war
  • keep (one's) peace
  • keep the peace
  • leave (someone or something) in peace
  • leave in peace
  • leave someone in peace
  • make (one's) peace with (someone or something)
  • make one's peace with
  • make peace
  • make peace with
  • make peace with (someone or something)
  • make peace with somebody
  • no peace for the wicked
  • peace and quiet
  • peace dividend
  • peace of mind
  • peace offering
  • peace out
  • rest in peace
  • smoke the peace pipe (with someone)
  • speak (one's) piece
  • there's no peace/rest for the wicked
References in classic literature
What has she given you?" he continued hurriedly, evidently no longer trying to show the advantages of peace and discuss its possibility, but only to prove his own rectitude and power and Alexander's errors and duplicity.
"Yes, I know you have made peace with the Turks without obtaining Moldavia and Wallachia; I would have given your sovereign those provinces as I gave him Finland.
They are neither fit for war nor peace! Barclay is said to be the most capable of them all, but I cannot say so, judging by his first movements.
In matters of high importance, particularly in cases relating to the game, the justice was not always attentive to these admonitions of his clerk; for, indeed, in executing the laws under that head, many justices of peace suppose they have a large discretionary power, by virtue of which, under the notion of searching for and taking away engines for the destruction of the game, they often commit trespasses, and sometimes felony, at their pleasure.
The squire, therefore, putting on a most wise and significant countenance, after a preface of several hums and hahs, told his sister, that upon more mature deliberation, he was of opinion, that "as there was no breaking up of the peace, such as the law," says he, "calls breaking open a door, or breaking a hedge, or breaking a head, or any such sort of breaking, the matter did not amount to a felonious kind of a thing, nor trespasses, nor damages, and, therefore, there was no punishment in the law for it."
"Aunt Peace would like to see you all, she says," was the message Rose brought before the ladies could begin again.
I will have my own way, but I'll keep the peace, if possible, and confess the joke when my experiment has succeeded," he said to himself, looking very much like a mischievous boy, as he went on with his innocent prescriptions.
But let us advert to the large debt which we have ourselves contracted in a single war, and let us only calculate on a common share of the events which disturb the peace of nations, and we shall instantly perceive, without the aid of any elaborate illustration, that there must always be an immense disproportion between the objects of federal and state expenditures.
People here called him my sorcerer, my servant and sword-bearer; but to me he was father, mother, protection, refuge and peace. When I met him he was returning from a pilgrimage, and I heard him intoning the prayer of sunset.
To your land of unbelief, where the dead do not speak, where every man is wise, and alone--and at peace!"
It is of high importance to the peace of America that she observe the laws of nations towards all these powers, and to me it appears evident that this will be more perfectly and punctually done by one national government than it could be either by thirteen separate States or by three or four distinct confederacies.
The case of the treaty of peace with Britain adds great weight to this reasoning.
Reason indeed concurs with experience in showing that all the attention which the legislator pays to the business of war, and all other rules which he lays down, should have for their object rest and peace; since most of those states (which we usually see) are preserved by war; but, after they have acquired a supreme power over those around them, are ruined; for during peace, like a sword, they lose their brightness: the fault of which lies in the legislator, who never taught them how to be at rest.
The members of the legislative, executive, and judiciary departments of thirteen and more States, the justices of peace, officers of militia, ministerial officers of justice, with all the county, corporation, and town officers, for three millions and more of people, intermixed, and having particular acquaintance with every class and circle of people, must exceed, beyond all proportion, both in number and influence, those of every description who will be employed in the administration of the federal system.
The former will be exercised principally on external objects, as war, peace, negotiation, and foreign commerce; with which last the power of taxation will, for the most part, be connected.