afraid of your own shadow

afraid of (one's) own shadow

Easily scared; jumpy; timid. Everyone was surprised that Janice led the meeting with confidence, as she normally seems afraid of her own shadow. Please don't take my sister to a haunted house on Halloween—she's afraid of her own shadow.
See also: afraid, of, own, shadow
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

afraid of your own shadow

If someone is afraid of their own shadow, they are very nervous and shy. She's afraid of everything these days — afraid of her own shadow. Note: Adjectives such as scared or frightened can be used instead of afraid. He used to be scared of his own shadow as a little boy.
See also: afraid, of, own, shadow
Collins COBUILD Idioms Dictionary, 3rd ed.

afraid of (or frightened of) your own shadow

unreasonably timid or nervous.
See also: afraid, of, own, shadow
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary
See also:
  • afraid of (one's) own shadow
  • afraid of one's own shadow
  • afraid of own shadow
  • be afraid of (one's) (own) shadow
  • be frightened of (one's) (own) shadow
  • be frightened/nervous/scared of your own shadow
  • be nervous of (one's) (own) shadow
  • be scared of (one's) (own) shadow
  • scare (one) out of (one's) wits
  • scare the wits out of (one)
References in periodicals archive
"The idea that you walk away because you're a party afraid of your own shadow is also a very bad place to be in" - Jeremy Corbyn, a Labour leadership candidate, urging the party to tackle Tory Government policies head on.
"The idea that you walk away because you're a party afraid of your own shadow is also a very bad place to be in" - Jeremy Corbyn, urging the party to tackle Tory Government policies head on.
And if you've got your knickers in a twist about Miley Cyrus cavorting on stage at the VMAs, you must live a cloistered little life and be afraid of your own shadow. Miley wasn't twerking so much as she was tweaking an establishment that has made her the star of the week even though her talent is so limited it could fit inside a thimble.
''Don't create imaginary enemy and don't be afraid of your own shadow. Don't get carried away by blunt racial sentiments until you lose the respect built upon years of sacrifices made by the Malays,'' the head of UMNO's youth wing, Hishamuddin Hussein, said in a speech at the wing's annual meeting.