new man

feel like a new man/woman

To feel completely refreshed and in good health and spirits, especially after an exhausting or debilitating experience. After he had some time to recover from the surgery, he felt like a new man. I'll feel like a new woman once I have a shower and a good night's sleep.
See also: feel, like, man, new, woman

new man

1. A version of one's self that is completely refreshed and/or in better health and spirits, especially after an exhausting or debilitating experience. Almost always used in the phrase "feel like a new man/woman." After he had some time to recover from the surgery, he felt like a new man.
2. A man who shares household and child-rearing responsibilities equally with his wife. Often capitalized. Primarily heard in UK, Australia. Jacob is definitely a New Man. He's always helping his wife around the house and taking care of the kids.
See also: man, new
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

new man

see under feel like oneself.
See also: man, new

new woman

see under feel like oneself.
See also: new, woman
The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer.

a ˌnew ˈman

(British English) a man who shares the work in the home that is traditionally done by women, such as cleaning, cooking and taking care of children. New men are considered sensitive and not aggressive: He is comfortable with his ‘new man’ image, and has been known to leave the office early to go home and cook dinner for his family.
See also: man, new
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary
See also:
  • feel like a new man/woman
  • feel like a new person
  • feel like new
  • new person
  • new woman
  • a new man
  • in good spirits
  • run (one) off (one's) feet
  • rush (one) off (one's) feet
  • be a box of birds
References in periodicals archive
However, the image of the new man was soon superseded in popular culture by the rise of the lad - the regressive beer-swigging, Loaded -reading boor immortalised in TV shows such as Men Behaving Badly.
Spears also admitted that she dreamt of finding a new man and living with him and her two children, Sean Preston and Jayden James, on an island.
A family friend said: "Max's new man has given her a whole fresh outlook on life and she's got a real spring in her step.
Yesterday, she said her new man, who is too shy to be named, had made her 'the happiest woman alive'.
Hansen doesn't believe having his assistants working with the new man will pose a problem.
Sinead, 44, had previously said she was to stay silent on Twitter for the time being about her hunt for a new man in her life.
Dear Dr Cath, I'VE been dating a new man and we're just at the stage of getting physical.
But Alex McLeish's successor is certain to be another Scot - and there'll be no rush to name the new man.
Whether or not he's Mr Right, Tamzin's new man differs from his lookalike in one respect.
The 28-year-old Scots star has been dating her new man for a couple of months and close friends say he is helping her get over her split last summer from her boyfriend of three years, documentary film-maker Dimitri Doganis, 31.
For spread across the front page, under the headline, ``Welsh rugby's new man with a vision promises rapid changes,'' was our introduction to the newly-appointed chief executive of the Welsh Rugby Union, David Moffett.
Our spies clocked the X Factor star cosying up to (read: snogging the face off) a new man at Heathrow airport; and not just any new man.
The 67-year-old joked: "I was told this operation would make me a new man and my wife Rita says she could do with a new man."
QI am going out with a fantastic new man who seems to feel just the same way as I do.
Lifestyle psychotherapist Christine Webber said, ``Don't be fooled by the myth of the New Man. He may be getting in touch with his feminine side in the bathroom but when it comes to the kitchen he still sees his role as the hunter-gatherer, not the chef.''