

A phrase used in situations where one is not going to learn all details—rather, just the essential or personally pertinent information. Often used in the phrase "a need-to-know basis." They won't tell me anything else right now—they say all updates will be shared on a need-to-know basis. They said the information they were providing was strictly need-to-know.
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
See also:
  • eggs is eggs
  • damn well
  • a cold day in Hell
  • (one's) best foot forward
  • best foot forward
  • come in
  • come in a certain position
  • come on in
  • as one does
  • enlist in
References in periodicals archive
In their preface to Need-to-Know Marketing Sites, editors Chase and Eileen Shulock write, "Over the past seven years of research, we have reviewed more than 5,000 marketing-related sites for publication in WDFM.
"Larry, your 'Need-to-Know Marketing Sites' made me look like a veritable genius!
They disseminated information on a need-to-know basis--but usually when they thought pe ople needed to know, not when their people thought they needed to know.
To help Daiwa, EMG streamlined its due diligence reports, summarizing information in succinct tables and condensing narrative to need-to-know information only.