If only, that is, anyone had
the foggiest idea what he was on about.
The Prophet of Doom; Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn fired a fearsome warning to Tory MPs across the Commons this week, but what exactly did he mean?
And even if you haven't
the foggiest idea about the quality of bone-china dinner sets or the things to check while buying a multi-utility vacuum cleaner, you can rest assured of the quality of a product backed by brand Naaptol.
Here are 5 apps to help you make awesome Mother's Day plans
Meanwhile, James, played by Dylan Llewellyn, obviously doesn't have
the foggiest idea what these wee girls are going on about.
Everyone says they don't want a hard border but no-one has
the foggiest idea how to leave the EU without one.
It Haass to be said.. VOICE OF THE
The other is that Team Justin[TM] doesn't have
the foggiest idea what it plans to do in Africa.
Brand Trudeau[TM]
Director Peter Hall reputedly told his cast: "I haven't really
the foggiest idea what some of it means - but if we stop and discuss every line we'll never open." Peter Bull, who played Pozzo, later said "waves of hostility came whirling over the footlights and the mass exodus, which was to form such a feature of the run of the piece, started quite soon after the curtain had risen".
Enigmatic classic holds no fear for talented amateurs; Waiting for Godot is at the People's Theatre this week. DAVID WHETSTONE looks at a play with a colourful past
The truth is we don't have
the foggiest idea. Some early guesses of 30 million or even 100 million have been replaced in the last few years with more reliable estimates of somewhere between five to ten million species.
The bug picture
By Andrew Amsan in New Delhi WHEN race walker K Ganapathi joined the Army back in 2008, he did not have
the foggiest idea about the discipline in which he would go on to become a contender for an Olympic berth.
Ganapathi confident of sealing Rio berth
When you're drafting your next statement, giving us
the foggiest idea of what you intend to do about it would be nice.
Thanks for taking blame, Randy... but all fans really want to hear is 'Goodbye' THE STATEMENT..
She and her comrades are put where they are to carry out our bidding, how can they do that if they haven't got
the foggiest idea what the council tax paying people of this city want?
Council leader needs to listen to people's wishes; Letters
I worked for a while for a man who was a good example of a manager who didn't have
the foggiest idea of how to get good work from his employees.
Taking down the office walls
And for one walker on the banks of the Forth and Clyde Canal, it looked like he hadn't
the foggiest idea where he was going.
From the evidence so far surfacing ("Building contracts rigged; ExMakati official: That's our practice," News, 9/5/14), he is now perceived as either shamelessly corrupt himself (if he knew about and profited from the anomalies) or grossly and unpardonably incompetent as an executive officer (if he didn't have
the foggiest idea his officials were ripping off the residents of Makati).
Shamelessly corrupt or grossly incompetent?
Thomas even sealed the deal further by proclaiming, rather disingenuously, "I haven't touched the Garand don't have
the foggiest idea how it shoots." So, hoping against hope, I rounded up targets, ammo and chronograph and off we went.
Breaking the seal: a day at the range with an iron curtain classic
an episode behind) and haven't really
the foggiest idea what is going on...
I spy some seriously stylish looks on Maggie