Of these, the hottest that's easily visible to the
naked eye is 2nd-magnitude Zeta Puppis, type O5, temperature 42,400 kelvins (76,000[degrees]F).
Naked-eye temperature extremes
I observed the Moon in a clear sky from Ma'ale Adummim, east of Jerusalem, with binoculars, but could not see it with the
naked eye. Colleagues Joshua Rosenfeld saw it with the
naked eye and Tom Rosenfeld with binoculars from Efrat, south of the city.
Record moons
Instead bigger, deeper glands release liquid through skin holes that are visible to the
naked eye. Eltringham is skeptical that the secretions play much of a role in regulating body temperature because a hot hippo just lumbers into water to cool off.
Red sweat: hippo skin oozes antibiotic sunscreen
Qatar residence will be able to observe Mars very close to Jupiter over eastern horizon of Qatar sky with
naked eye from time rise of Jupiter until sunrise time as Jupiter will rise at 2:24am Doha local time, while sunrise time will be at 6:19am Doha local time, astronomy expert at QCH Dr Beshir Marzouk said.
Jupiter, Mars to come close on Sunday
So I doubt Ganymede can ever be seen with the
naked eye, with or without Callisto's help.
Seeing Jupiter's moons
This guide is both a visually engaging and a clearly written introduction to reading the night sky with the
naked eye, a telescope, or binoculars.
Mapping the Sky: the Essential Guide to Astronomy
The third brightest luminary 'Venus' will come very close to the moon on September 18 and residents of Qatar will be able to see the two planets together with the
naked eye over the eastern horizon of Doha sky from 3:18am until sunrise time.
Spectacular celestial shows next month: QCH
But what is the total number of stars visible to the
naked eye during all seasons and from all latitudes on Earth?
Stars, stars, stars: which season offers more naked-eye stars than any other?
Ranging in diameter from 25 to 45 kilometers, the bodies are the smallest objects ever detected at the fringes of the solar system and are one-billionth as bright as the dimmest celestial objects visible to the
naked eye. Theoretical predictions about the origin of short-period comets, which traverse the inner solar system, had led Bernstein and his colleagues to expect to find about 85 of these bodies in the Hubble images.
What's the source of quick-return comets?
A new type of barcode is too small to see with the
naked eye, yet it holds big promise for biomedical research, law enforcement, and everyday life, say researchers.
Microscopic glass ribbons provide molecular labels. (Materials Science)
Countless skywatchers in the Southern Hemisphere saw Supernova 1987A with the
naked eye. It became as bright as magnitude 2.9, despite being 160,000 light-years away in the Large Magellanic Cloud.
Farsighted astronomy
Only 30 to 40 kilometers in diameter, the newly discovered bodies are too dim by a factor of 100 million to be discerned by the
naked eye. Also complicating their observation is their great distance from Neptune--roughly 60 times as far as Triton, the planet's largest moon.
New moons for Neptune? (Astronomy)
STAR COLORS--II In the January issue (page 96), I suggested a 10-point scale to use for rating the visual colors of bright stars with the
naked eye or binoculars.
eye and i
Globular dusters are among the oldest groups of stars in the universe, and some of the stars are only one-billionth as bright as the faintest ones visible to the
naked eye. It took 8 days of exposure for Hubble cameras to detect the dim white dwarfs.
Faded stars get new role: Hubble takes a long look. (This week)
Anyone who has looked at the galaxy without optical aid has also seen Nu 1[degrees] to its east; the two are pretty much inseparable as far as the
naked eye is concerned.
Something Nu in Andromeda: have you looked at Nu ([nu]) Andromedae lately? You might be in for a surprise