
Related to found: dictionary
  • all found
  • find (one) innocent
  • find (one) not guilty
  • find (one) with (one's) fingers in the till
  • find (one) with (one's) hand in the till
  • find (one's) (own) level
  • find (one's) feet
  • find (one's) match
  • find (one's) tongue
  • find (one's) voice
  • find (one's)/its way
  • find (oneself) with (something)
  • find (oneself) without (someone or something)
  • find (something) out the hard way
  • find (something) wanting
  • find a happy medium
  • find against (someone or something)
  • find common ground
  • find for (someone or something)
  • find God
  • find out
  • find out a thing or two (about someone or something)
  • find out how the land lies
  • find the root of the problem
  • find the time
  • found (up)on
  • found money
  • found on
  • founding father
  • founding father (of something)
  • founding mother (of something)
  • lost and found
  • lost-and-found
  • lost-and-found badge
  • nowhere to be found
  • nowhere to be found/seen
  • the best advice is found on the pillow
  • the founding father of something
  • weighed (in the balance) and found wanting
References in classic literature
I found that the sparrow uttered none but harsh notes, whilst those of the blackbird and thrush were sweet and enticing.
When this was done I went down the ship's side, and pulling them to me, I tied four of them together at both ends as well as I could, in the form of a raft, and laying two or three short pieces of plank upon them crossways, I found I could walk upon it very well, but that it was not able to bear any great weight, the pieces being too light.
Why, he might 'a' found out he couldn't get his revenge, and be going right after that money."
Searching further he found a little memorandum book richly bound; this Don Quixote asked of him, telling him to take the money and keep it for himself.
Here and there I found traces of the little people in the shape of rare fossils broken to pieces or threaded in strings upon reeds.
"I've found it!" cried the Shaggy Man, and ran to Dorothy with a queer-shaped piece that had a mouth on it.
We were fortunately not above a stone's cast from the sea, and could therefore have retreated to our bark had we found ourselves reduced to extremities.
That night we covered nearly five-and-twenty miles; but, needless to say, found no more water, though we were lucky enough the following day to get a little shade behind some ant-heaps.
As soon as the coloured people found out that he could read, a newspaper was secured, and at the close of nearly every day's work this young man would be surrounded by a group of men and women who were anxious to hear him read the news contained in the papers.
When the man awoke and found that he had been sleeping, he was grieved at heart, and said, 'She has no doubt been here and driven away again, and it is now too late for me to save her.' Then his eyes fell on the things which were lying beside him; he read the letter, and knew from it all that had happened.
Now she was willing to wait here until they found Korak, or Korak found her.
After I had fallen over eight or nine precipices and thus found out that one half of my brain had been asleep eight or nine times without the wide-awake, hard-working other half suspecting it, the periodical unconsciousnesses began to extend their spell gradually over more of my brain-territory, and at last I sank into a drowse which grew deeper and deeper and was doubtless just on the very point of being a solid, blessed dreamless stupor, when--what was that?
The nail would be found at last, but by that time he would have lost the hammer.
He went up to it and found that the gold bottle that contained the precious powder had dropped upon the stand and scattered its life-giving grains over the machine.
Only no one knew where the ring was hidden, nor was there any sorcerer or learned man to be found who would be able to explain the inscription.