put off

Related to put off: put someone off

put (one) off (something)

1. To deter or repel one from something or from doing something. The sight of the blood put me off my food for the rest of the day. Please don't spread the news about the robbery. We don't want to put our guests off staying with us overnight.
2. To force one to get off or disembark from a vehicle or mode of transportation. Police officers put the man off the train after he began threatening other passengers. The passenger was put off the plane for being belligerent.
See also: off, put

put off

1. verb To deter, annoy, or repel. A noun or pronoun can be used between "put" and "off." I don't know if you realize how much you put people off with your attitude. He has a knack for putting off his dates.
2. To make someone reluctant or averse to something. A noun or pronoun is used between "put" and "off." The 'flu put me off food for several days in a row. The experience definitely put her off of traveling to Europe again anytime soon.
3. verb To delay doing or dealing with something; to procrastinate instead of doing something. A noun or pronoun can be used between "put" and "off." Why did I keep putting off working on this essay? Now I'll be up all night writing it. If you put off getting car insurance, you could wind up in jail if you get in an accident. I'm sorry I didn't call you sooner. I should never have put it off.
4. verb To delay meeting with or avoid dealing with someone. A noun or pronoun is used between "put" and "off." I'm sorry I've been putting you off lately; it's just been really hectic in work and at home. Has Helen said anything to you about me recently? I feel like she's putting me off.
5. To eject or have someone ejected from something, often a mode of transportation. A noun or pronoun is used between "put" and "off." Thank goodness the pilot had the rowdy passengers put off the plane. Shh! We're gonna get put off the train!
6. adjective Deterred, annoyed, or repelled (by something). I could tell he was a bit put off by my comments. Please don't spread the news about the robbery. We don't want our guests to feel put off at the idea of staying with us overnight.
See also: off, put
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

put someone off (of) something

 and put someone off
to remove someone from a form of transportation, such as a train, ship, or airplane, owing to illness or misbehavior. (See also put someone off. Of is usually retained before pronouns.) The captain ordered that the unruly passengers be put off the ship at the next port. We put the thief off at the dock.
See also: off, put

put someone off

1. to delay dealing with someone until a later time. I hate to keep putting you off, but we are not ready to deal with you yet. I had to put off the plumber again. He really wants his money.
2. to repel someone; to distress someone. You really put people off with your scowling face. You put off people with your arrogance.
3. to avoid or evade someone. I don't wish to see Mr. Brown now. Please put him off. I won't talk to reporters. Tell them something that will put them off. Put off those annoying people!
See also: off, put

put something off

to postpone something; to schedule something for a later time. I have to put off our meeting until a later time. I put off a visit to the dentist as long as I could.
See also: off, put
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.

put off

Delay or postpone, as in He always puts off paying his bills. This idiom, dating from the late 1300s, gave rise to the proverb Never put off until tomorrow what you can do today, first recorded in the late 1300s (in Chaucer's Tale of Melibee) and repeated ever since. Also see put one off.
See also: off, put

put one off

1. Repel or repulse someone, as in His bad manners put her off, or They were put off by the bad smell. [c. 1900]
2. put someone off. Persuade someone to delay further action, as in He put off the creditors, promising to pay next week, or They managed to put him off from suing. [Early 1600s]
See also: off, one, put
The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer.

put off

1. To delay or postpone something: I always put off paying the bills and end up paying a late fee. If you keep putting your homework off, you won't get it done.
2. To persuade someone or something to postpone an activity: I managed to put off the creditors for another week. We succeeded in putting the meeting off until next week.
3. To cause someone to be offended, disgusted, and repelled: His indifferent attitude has put us off. Her arrogance put off the interviewers.
4. To discourage someone from doing something: The bad weather put us off from trying to climb the mountain.
5. To cause someone to be distracted from something and perform poorly: That athlete is sensitive, and too much crowd noise puts off his game. She throws the ball pretty well, but the pain in her arm put her aim off.
See also: off, put
The American Heritage® Dictionary of Phrasal Verbs.
See also:
  • (I) wouldn't (do something) if I were you
  • a fast talker
  • a/the feel of (something)
  • all right
  • (one) doesn't give a rip (about something)
  • a straw will show which way the wind blows
  • a whack at (something)
  • (one) could use (something)
  • a crack at (someone or something)
  • (one) doesn't give a hoot (about something)
References in periodicals archive
'We were unable to put off this fire at an early stage due to lack of facilities, we might have saved further destruction could there have been a fire engine,' said a resident.
No differences exist in the kind of insurance they have either -- be it private, government, or none at all -- which, Gallup has found, affects the likelihood of whether an adult will put off seeking medical treatment.
In the first hours of the incident, it was seen that the fire was first intervened in by the other drivers who used their cars' extinguisher tubes, then fire totally was put off by fire brigade units.
Painting a room was the most common job to put off, according to a poll.
The percentage of people with Medicare or Medicaid who put off getting care because of cost held steady at 22 percent.
When it comes to selling your house beware of any previous occupants who might be still lingering as they may put off potential buyers.
BANKING AND CREDIT NEWS-January 6, 2014-Henderson Group claims slowdown in European economies should not put off investors
M2 EQUITYBITES-January 6, 2014-Henderson Group claims slowdown in European economies should not put off investors
London, Apr 14 ( ANI ): 41 percent of people say that they put off tackling repairs or home improvements because they do not have the required knowledge, a new survey suggests.
More than half of those with no health insurance put off care, but so did 30% of those with private health insurance.
For example, Hubbell, which makes electrical products, has put off hiring workers in 100 positions, canceled equipment orders and put off factory upgrades due to economic uncertainty.
ISLAMABAD -- Islamabad District Court Bar Association President, Syed Javed Akbar Mashhidi Tuesday put off the strike call as compromise effected between Advocate Raja Haroon Qadeer and the accused persons last night.
Summary: The Football Association has decided to put off naming a permanent England manager until the end of the season.
THI-QAR / Aswat al-Iraq: Fire extinguishers have managed to put off a large fire in an oil storage in southern Iraq's Nassiriya city, without causing losses, according to the Chairman of the Security Committee in southern Iraq's city of Nassirya, the Chairman of the Security Commission reported on Saturday.