mud duck

mud duck

A particularly unattractive woman. Sometimes written as a single word. Now, I know I'm no supermodel or anything, but I'm certainly no mud duck either! John had way too much to drink and brought some mudduck back home with him last night.
See also: duck, mud
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

mud duck

n. an ugly person. She’s a mud duck, but she’s got a sense of humor.
See also: duck, mud
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
See also:
  • be at a disadvantage
  • at a disadvantage
  • address (one's) comments to (someone or something)
  • address comments or remarks to
  • address (one's) remarks to (someone or something)
  • be in it for
  • be more than (something)
  • be more than glad, ready, etc.
  • away from it all
  • be out of (one's) head
References in periodicals archive
MUD DUCK BOAT COMPANY makes an all-welded aluminum duck boat with a classic design.
Oregon State Bar New Lawyers Essay Contest - High school students can enter by writing an essay arguing for or against a random drug testing policy at the fictional Mud Duck School District.
The game I was hunting was what was locally called a "mud duck," and I couldn't have been more proud when I brought my first duck to bag with one shot of that .410.
MUD DUCK BOAT COMPANY Made of all-welded aluminum, the Mud Duck has a classic duck boat design.
Tjon Sie Fat examines the ethnic political struggles among the earlier Suriname "mud Ducks" (mainly Afro-Chinese), "Tang Ducks," and "New Chinese" against Suriname's spikes of anti-Chinese paranoia familiar to Chinese diasporic peoples and scholars.