lousy with someone/something

lousy with (something)

Having an abundance of something; having more of something than one needs or knows what to do with. We don't need another accountant—we're lousy with accountants! What we need is someone to overhaul our social media presence. My grandmother was obsessed with taxidermy, so her house was lousy with stuffed bodies of various animals.
See also: lousy
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

lousy with someone/something

mod. having lots of someone or something. (Like an infestation of lice.) Tiffany is lousy with jewels and furs, but she’s got bad teeth.
See also: lousy, someone, something
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
See also:
  • lousy with
  • lousy with (something)
  • hold (all) the aces
  • hold all the aces
  • loss of face
  • I'm having quite a time
  • a little knowledge is a dangerous thing
  • a little learning is a dangerous thing
  • a load/weight off somebody's mind
  • a weight off (one's) mind