The rap/hip-hop/electro outfit won the award for 2016's
Let The Dead Bury The Dead.
Rusangano Family; Quick One With
Watch the mournful scene and grasp the meaning of Jesus' injunction to
let the dead bury the dead.
Flood the broken-down seesaw with the sun of wholeness
Let the dead bury the dead and mourn them," Debord had quoted Marx's 1843 letter to Arnold Ruge--it was the epigraph to his first book, the 1958 Memoires, his first attempt to capture the "adventure" he had lived in Paris in 1952--"Our kind will be the first to blaze a trail into a new life." When the members of the LI looked back, they would recognize themselves, but the world would be changed.
Keith Sanborn and Greil Marcus on the films of Guy Debord: return of the supressed
Individual studies focus on Matthew's divorce texts (5:32 and 19:9), Jesus' statement to "
Let the dead bury the dead" (Matt 8:22), and James's role in the conflict at Antioch.
Jewish Law in Gentile Churches: Halakah and the Beginning of Christian Public Ethics
The one line from the Anglican Book of Common Prayer which I, as a child, never could understand, now takes on a new resonance: "
Let the dead bury the dead." As our great ancestor Junebug J.
Don't the Moon Look Lonesome: A Novel in Blues and Swing
When a man agreed to join Jesus as soon as he fulfilled his filial obligation to bury his father, Jesus replies, "
Let the dead bury the dead; but as for you, go and proclaim the kingdom of God" (Luke 9:59-60).
Has the church been in the family's way
"What's past is past." "
Let the dead bury the dead." "To the victor belong the spoils." This is the egoist of the present moment speaking, who restricts evil to current suffering.
Reflections on Huxley's "Evolution and Ethics." (Thomas Huxley)
Let The Dead Bury The Dead album launch, Dolan's, [euro]15
Gig Guide
Jesus said: "
Let the dead bury the dead." The real priests will be about the ministry of the Beatitudes.
Free the priest within. (Letters)
bad seed) the sword to slay, dogs to tear, beasts of the field to devour and destroy, and
let the dead bury the dead, for it is written: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth, famine and plague, generations of vipers, locusts and scorpions, fathers shall eat their sons, sons shall eat their fathers, bad seed, strike them, destroy them utterly, carcasses falling like dung on the field, all these things the Lord has spoken: fear the Lord and obey, for it is written."
The doctor-killer reads his Bible
And what about the man who comes to him and says, "I want to follow you but first I've got to bury my father." How could Jesus say, "
Let the dead bury the dead"?
Biblical archaeology: good grounds for faith
I tried to tell myself, "
Let the dead bury the dead" as my wife and I rejoiced in the arrival of our second daughter in October.
Untold horror on blackest of nights