melt in the mouth

melt in (one's)/the mouth

Of food, to be soft or tender, and, typically, delicious. The phrase is often quite literal. This decadent chocolate cake positively melts in the mouth. I've never had such a perfect steak in my life! I swear, it melted in my mouth.
See also: melt, mouth
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

melt in the mouth

(of food) be deliciously light or tender and need little or no chewing.
See also: melt, mouth
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary
See also:
  • melt in (one's)/the mouth
  • melt in mouth
  • melt in one's mouth
  • melt in your mouth
  • kiss and make up
  • be jumping up and down
  • at a dead end
  • face to face with (someone or something)
  • my house is your house
  • blaze up
References in periodicals archive
The Luscious Food portfolio consists of traditional copper kettle produced jams, 'melt in the mouth' shortbread, and is also complimented by special mustards, oils and vinegars, all of which feature flavoursome garden herbs and spices.
Nationwide network of local frozen food wholesalers, Fairway Foodservice has introduced defrost and serve Danish pastries which are individually flow-wrapped to ensure the melt in the mouth products stay crisp and fresh for longer while at the same time maximising hygienic presentation.
Butcher & Baker use their famous 'melt in the mouth' puff pastry to produce a quality product that is designed to bring customers back time after time.
LAUGHING gas could be used in chocolate to make it taste nicer and melt in the mouth quicker.
After the first bite,it should melt in the mouth and you should savour it.
A delightful array of colours and a melt in the mouth kababs which were perfectly marinated were devoured by us.
EZ Melts are specially formulated to melt in the mouth without the need for water--great for people who dislike swallowing pills or cannot do so for medical or lifestyle reasons.
The Kank-A Soothing Beads melt in the mouth to deliver maximum-strength medication--15 mg of benzocaine per five-bead dose--for alleviating pain, and the beads can be rolled around the mouth for relief or held in one spot for concentrated treatment, according to Blistex.
It does melt in the mouth but it is the enzymes in saliva rather than the heat that cause it to dissolve."
Combining mature tangy Cheddar and Emmental with a layer of Dijon mustard, the tasty Bakehouse savoury is twisted three times by hand and topped with the 100% cheese mix to create a moist, melt in the mouth pastry that is the light alternative to traditional pastry savouries.
FOR hungry carnivores, a good quality 'melt in the mouth' steak which has been cooked to perfection is sheer heaven.