Given our successes (see our reporting on some of those topics in this issue), and the fact that
blowhard rhetoric is news primarily because of its sheer disconnected outrageousness, it's plain to me that setbacks, though real and in need of guarding against, are just temporary.
Editor's Letter
The faux-rightwing
blowhard Colbert character will surely hail the choice of Gov.
Certain to Get Colbert Bump: Sarah Palin Wrote 'NYT' Op-Ed on Polar Bears
You might not agree with them, but give them a hearing because speaking out will have caused them a good deal more pause for thought than, off the top of my head, a
blowhard newspaper columnist.
Give hardened crooks proper punishment... ban them from pubs
The obligatory right-wing radio
blowhard soon entered the picture.
Praying for sanity: court settlement shows high price of intolerance
Patton is a
blowhard; Montgomery is arrogant; and Eisenhower is not always looked upon as a strong leader.
Weintraub, Stanley. 11 days in December; Christmas at the Bulge, 1944
Although no one buys
blowhard Lapade's true claim that Odejimi shot him, the incident has tainted Odejimi's romantic vision of courtship and marriage.
The Narrow Path
Pelecanos has a fine way with a felon, and he chillingly captures the
blowhard mentality of the would-be criminal." JANET MASLIN
The Night Gardener
Normally, one of the worst places to be stuck at a dinner party is next to a
blowhard lawyer recounting his involvement in a particular lawsuit.
The new underground railroad: why moving children out of bad neighborhoods can change their fate
Schulman describes Marge as a hapless, "Woody Allen" version of herself; and a radio interview with the indie filmmaker Haynes--voiced by Haynes himself, the good sport--makes him sound like an opportunistic
New York City: Girl play
Blowhard from NAGCOM, but since he funds half of your budget, you'd better practice your happy dance (or at least project an enthused voice) when he calls.
Keeping your customers happy: a customer service refresher
Making us pull for a sanctimonious statist
blowhard like Kerry isn't the worst thing Bush has done to the country.
Ten reasons to fire George W. Bush (and nine reasons why Kerry won't be much better)
What is funnier than watching
blowhard politicians successfully caricature themselves?
Japanese editorial excerpts -3-
The book's major weakness is the inconsistency--some might call it hypocrisy--of Coulter's decrying the "denigration" that is the "hallmark" of "liberal argument," while irresponsibly calling revered newsman Walter Cronkite a "pious left-wing
blowhard," labeling former New Jersey Governor and current Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Christie Todd Whitman a "dimwit" and alleging that feminist icon Gloria Steinem is "a deeply ridiculous figure."
Slander: Liberal Lies About the American Right
'As long as he behaves himself within his own borders, we should not be addressing any attack or resources against him.' 'He is what we in Texas know as a
blowhard. He cannot help himself.
'Blowhard' Saddam's army would crumble
You have made that same mistake." The results were not so disastrous, but there were cost overruns or testing failures, because you failed to speak up when your boss' boss had that ultimately dumb inspiration: "Let someone else take the heat from the old
blowhard." Or maybe you were that inspired boss' boss who had intimidated the junior folks so much that they were afraid to approach you with unwelcome news.
Listen to the old boat. (From The President)