Whether it be live news, major sporting events, awards shows or new episodes of the latest cult favorite series, audiences around the world
lean forward to watch together.
6) If you
lean forward to see the screen adjust the screen resolution to a larger setting through the control panel and get your glasses adjusted if you wear them.
How ergonomics can boost your business performance
3 Wall pushup Stand a little farther than arms' length from the wall,
lean forward, and place your palms flat against the wall at shoulder height and shoulder-width apart.
Bone-building exercises
Among the three major publisher websites RAMP analyzed, lean-forward features generated on average 70% to 300% more time on site than users who did not use
lean forward features, or where such features were not available.
Lean forward video: the new rules of video publishing success
One discrepancy: his computer model was able to
lean forward 12 degrees without lifting its heels, while real people were only able to lean two-thirds as much -- 8 degrees.
Model to show how toe strength determines body balance while leaning
MSNBC has been running promotional spots for its programming that includes the slogan "
Lean Forward." They're probably using that direction because an ideologically precise instruction would be "Lean Left," and that wouldn't be particularly PC.
Lean forward: how do you approach what it is that you do? Are you actively engaged or just sorta doing it?
Every time you
lean forward to read the weight you keep putting your foot on the scale."
Putting my foot in it; YourSay
lean forward, you
lean forward, they cross their arms, you do the same.
Doc who can get the you a date; Q&A
People may
lean forward onto supermarket trolleys and can cycle well but cannot walk.
Spinal stenosis
These are all technologies which I want the Air Force to
lean forward and bring to American technology advances to keep us well in front of all the technologies in the world.
State of the force
Once hair is dry,
lean forward and gently massage roots to break up the curl.
Make peace with your hair! We are declaring a truce between you and your 'do. Here's how to solve whatever devilish hair dilemma is keeping you from loving your locks
You can use your hands for support on the surface, but do not
lean forward or backward.
A look at patellofemoral pain syndrome
You could try facing the wall with your knees bent in the parallel position, extend one leg back with a straight knee and gently press the heel to the ground as you
lean forward. Hold up to two minutes with your hands on the wall, then switch to the other side.
Advice for dancers: former New York City Ballet dancer Linda Hamilton, Ph.D., is a lecturer, a psychologist in private practice, and the author of Advice for Dances (Jossey-Bass). She has been offering advice to Dance Magazine readers since 1992
After they have told me what their paper is about and what they want to really focus on, I
lean forward to read the paper.
Slouching and digressing
The riders stand on the machines and
lean forward slightly to travel.
Segway safaris: touring Florida's Amelia Island in style