But only masochists need bother trying to see a violent British crime movie which is so unpalatable - intentionally or otherwise - that you'll almost
grind your teeth away in 91 minutes flat.
It's Jennifer Hellison
grind your teeth during moments of anxiety, don't you, Mr Lockley?" observed the dentist.
(4) Don't
grind your teeth. Grinding your teeth in your sleep can have the same effect.
Seven things to avoid if you have silver fillings: and how to minimize their harmful effects
Her chapters include, "Dentistry for Midlife People," (if you
grind your teeth at night, she recommends asking your dentist for a mouth guard); "Preserving Your Vision and Hearing," (to prevent macular degeneration and cataracts, she suggests wearing sunglasses that block 99 percent or more of the UVA and UVB light) and "Gastrointestinal Problems," (TV ads for expensive acid reflux medicine, she says, overstate the seriousness of heartburn.
Midlife medicine
And since there is usually no real control over when the array begins rebuilding, you have no recourse except to
grind your teeth, watch the rebuild and get ready for the phone calls.
SATA for business critical applications: the mirroring advantage; Affordable, mirrored SATA drives overcome FC RAID-5 obstacles
To those who love simple, direct, non-Latinized English: Got ready to
grind your teeth! Not me.
Moving with the spirit
Has anyone told you that you
grind your teeth in your sleep?
Gingival health--periodontal assessment. (Free Course)
If you habitually clench or grit or
grind your teeth, you increase the wear on the cartilage lining of the joint.
Pain and the TMJ
You have increasing pain in front of your ear when you chew and if you
grind your teeth.
What's this pain in my jaw?
You just have to
grind your teeth and get on with it."
reid: i'm getting target practice! LEINSTER SHC FINAL; Cats ace TJ accepts he's one of hurling's most marked men
See your dentist who can check your bite and fit you with a mouthguard to wear at night if you
grind your teeth. Otherwise, see your GP as it could be an early symptom of RA or a similar arthritis and the earlier it's treated, the better the outlook.
What's causing my earache?
And if you
grind your teeth at night, the Dentek Nightguard can be customised to fit at home and is a far cheaper way to protect your teeth than made-to-measure mouthguards.
Take the grind out of tooth care; HEALTH