The candidates had become worldly-wise to the executioners in the editing booth and uttered precious few bone-crushingly idiotic comments to
fling back at them.
Sugar's chumps
Pamela Smith, who accused the former Chicago Bulls star of fathering her son- Grant Taj Reynolds- during a
fling back in 1995, has filed new legal documents this week asking a judge to order the 50-year-old to provide fluid, hair or skin samples for genetic testing in order to help prove her claims, reported.
Michael Jordan's alleged baby mum demands DNA test
Owner Trevor Hemmings, who won the biggest handicap chase of the year at his local track with The Last
Fling back in 2001, also runs Peter Marsh Chase runnerup Glasker Mill and Coe.
McCoy bids to plug rare gap in cv on Character Building; BLUE SQUARE GOLD CUP
So get ready to
fling back those theatrical curtains!
A bargain in the basement; PROPERTY OF THE WEEK
After a season of hibernation, it's no wonder that when the first breath of spring arrives, we pry creaky windows open,
fling back the curtains with wild abandon and swing the doors wide open to sweep out winter's accumulation of dirt and grime.
Spring greening. (green gazette)
has plenty of mud he can
fling back at Gore, starting with the fact that despite frenzied efforts of Democrats ranging from Clinton/Gore to the blowhard Bernard Sanders (an Independent in name only), it was Bush who helped keep a nuclear waste dump from being sited next to a poor Hispanic community in Sierra Blanca, Texas.
Green Shams
In one way, it was good fun to
fling back the curtain upon entering, but equally, it seemed a shame to conceal this inner den from the shoppers walking up and down Bold Street.
It's a Bold move as Leaf branches out; Your Bar: Luke Traynor finds there's more than a cuppa on offer at the city's latest tea shop
The pair enjoyed a four-year
fling back in the 1980s when Major was a Tory whip and Currie a backbencher.
Political players
The Merseyside-born media megastar will
fling back the curtains at her London home to view the world afresh as one of the UK's richest-ever pensioners.
Diamond jubilee for the Queen of Mean; _ Anne still going strong at 60
We arrived in Koper, Slovenia, early on the second day and a little tip for any would-be cruisers is, make sure you are at least partially-clothed before you
fling back the curtains in the morning and find yourself staring into the windows of the houses which line the port.
Ocean rava