Li [17] applied sustained eccentric compression load with a rate of 0, 0.3, and 0.6, respectively, on RC columns.
An eccentric compressive load with the magnitude of 0.2[P.sub.u] and 0.35[P.sub.u] was applied to Col-3 and Col-4, respectively, and sustained for 100 days before being removed.
In Col-3 and Col-4, which were subjected to a persistent eccentric compressive load with a magnitude of 0.2[P.sub.u] and 0.35[P.sub.u], respectively, and 300 times of freeze-thaw cycles and 100 times of seawater immersion, the horizontal tensile cracks induced by the persistent load closed upon the removal of the persistent loading system.
Hysteretic Behavior of Eccentrically Loaded Reinforced Air-Entrained Concrete Columns under Combined Effects of Freeze-Thaw Cycles and Seawater Corrosion
The 23% yearly rise in viral
load with untreated HIV infection means someone with a viral load of 10,000 copies will have a load of 12,300 copies 1 year later and 28,100 copies 5 years later (Figure 1).
Changes in CD4 count and viral load before antiretroviral therapy begins
According to the meaning of the transverse distribution, when the total times of load application are n, the occurrence frequency of the load with the magnitude of [S.sub.1] is
The mean value of the load with the equivalent distribution is 458 MPa., and the longitudinal standard load is 500 MPa.
Reliability evaluation based on different distributions of random load
AMETEK advises selecting a
load with a higher current rating than required.
More than just a DC Load
load of #4, 5, 6, 7 1/2, 8 and 9 at 1,330 fps and a live pigeon/FITASC 12 gauge
load with 1 1/4 oz.
New Ammo For A New Season
We also check each
load with our detectors prior to entering our plants.
Choosing and Using Scrap Radiation Detection Equipment
The units sense the height of an incoming load and encircle the load with filmin a preset pattern.
"The systems have reduced our film cost by over 50%," claims Woolsey, "and the prestretched film makes for a load with increased stability." Signode
Stretch wrap system cuts film costs 50%
PPM's Mel Series lists power, current, and voltage: Model 5000-200-600 is a 5-kW load with 200-A and 600-V maximum limits.
You must choose a load with an SOA sufficient to handle the maximum current, voltage, and power expected from the DUT.
Kikusui's Model PLZ1004W is a 1-kW load with a maximum current rating of 200 A and a slew rate of 16 A/[micro]s.
In search of the zero-ohm load