

A stupid, oafish person, especially a large man. An allusion to an ape. Often spelled without a hyphen. My sister has started dating some knuckle-dragger she met down at the gym, much to my parents' chagrin. That knuckle dragger over there is Marvin the Muscle. He works as an enforcer for the Rigatoni crime syndicate.
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.


n. a strong and stupid man. (Like an ape.) Call off your knuckle-draggers. I’ll pay you whatever you want.
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
See also:
  • diller
  • dillers
  • killer-diller
  • clucky
  • musclehead
  • meathead
  • go the knuckle
  • tweedledee and tweedledum
  • tweedledum
  • tweedledum and tweedledee
References in periodicals archive
POOR racist knuckle-dragger Tommy Robinson has only gone and got himself banned from Facebook and Instagram.
However, if you are a knuckle-dragger like me and still think bigger is better, HK has you covered with both.
At some point, some knuckle-dragger cut two inches off the barrels.
"That knuckle-dragger Hannity called me 'cowardly,''' he mutters, lighting up another Ultra Light Camel.
* A supervillain might make a straw purchase, pap a celebrity, surf the darknet, or become a testosteronic knuckle-dragger. * You might enjoy a webinar, or it might give you a thousand-yard stare.
There he saw a 6-foot, 5-inch knuckle-dragger of a man waving a gun and threatening to shoot three other guys.
Outspoken, interesting characters like Lennon and Wednesday night's opposite number Levein should not be cowed or feel the need to rein in their behaviour in case one knuckle-dragger snaps.
Even one of his defenders at the time described him as a "knuckle-dragger in a cave."
But if just one knuckle-dragger decides to throw a brick then there is a chance we go back to square one.
Which is proof positive that Big John ain't no knuckle-dragger. Besides, he's got Memsaab, and you guys don't!
Any knuckle-dragger so far gone that they would burn a family out of their home because the blood's up and the booze is in isn't going to change their minds by listening to some cretin telling them to read a different newspaper.
Look back 50,000 years or so and there on top of what would one day be Penylan Hill, Ee-Nok, Neanderthal knuckle-dragger, gives his very own Rivers of blood speech.
The rest of us can do our bit by refusing to pretend their songs are somehow different from the vile threats whispered by a knuckle-dragger to a skilled footballer preparing to captain his country.
ay le So you could say the disgusting knuckle-dragger who spat on the wee man at the SECC was utterly moronic in more ways than one.
The racist knuckle-dragger thought it appropriate to interrupt a private conversation and didn't consider that he might have caused offence.