know where all the bodies are buried

know where (all) the bodies are buried

To know a large amount of secret or scandalous information about a person or group that they would not want to be revealed, especially due to one's lengthy experience with that person or group. Often used in relation to one who wields this information for their own benefit or advantage. I've been an accountant with this company for over 50 years, so trust me, I know where all the bodies are buried. He climbed to power because he worked for several top government and military officials and he knew where the bodies were buried.
See also: body, bury, know
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

know where all the bodies are buried

Fig. to know all the secrets and intrigue from the past; to know all the relevant and perhaps hidden details. He is a good choice for president because he knows where all the bodies are buried. Since he knows where all the bodies are buried, he is the only one who can advise us.
See also: all, body, bury, know
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.
See also:
  • know where (all) the bodies are buried
  • know where the bodies are buried
  • what happens in (some place) stays in (that place)
  • the tea is piping hot
  • what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas
  • what happens on the road stays on the road
  • what happens on tour stays on tour
  • rag
  • bull session
  • take the lid off (of) (something)