
Related to moon: full moon, Moon calendar


1. noun, slang One's bare buttocks. He stuck his moon through the window of the car as they drove past the bus.
2. verb, slang To expose one's bare buttocks (to someone) as a prank or insult. Our six-year-old has become obsessed with mooning people.
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.


1. n. the buttocks. He rubbed his plump moon where he had been kicked, but said no more.
2. tv. & in. to show (someone) one’s nude posterior through a window (usually of an automobile). (see also mooner, gaucho.) When the plane flew over Cuba, this guy named Victor actually mooned a Russian MIG that flew by.
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
  • ask for the moon
  • bark at the moon
  • bay at the moon
  • be over the moon
  • blood moon
  • blue moon
  • cast beyond the moon
  • clear moon, frost soon
  • cry for the moon
  • cry/ask for the moon
  • go between the moon and the milkman
  • man in the moon, (no more than) the
  • many moons ago
  • moon
  • moon (is) made of green cheese, (and) the
  • moon about
  • moon around
  • moon away
  • moon over (someone or something)
  • once in a blue moon
  • over the moon
  • promise (one) the moon
  • promise someone the moon
  • promise the moon
  • promise the moon/earth/world
  • reach for the moon
  • shoot for the moon
  • shoot the moon
  • the man in the moon
  • the moon on a stick
  • think (one) hung the moon
  • think (someone) hung the moon and the stars
  • think hung the moon
References in classic literature
But although the moon passes her perigee every month, she does not reach the zenith always at exactly the same moment .
But, in order that the moon should reach the zenith of a given place, it is necessary that the place should not exceed in latitude the declination of the luminary; in other words, it must be comprised within the degrees 0@ and 28@ of lat.
-- At the moment when the projectile shall be discharged into space, the moon, which travels daily forward 13@ 10' 35'', will be distant from the zenith point by four times that quantity,
But, inasmuch as it is equally necessary to take into account the deviation which the rotary motion of the earth will impart to the shot, and as the shot cannot reach the moon until after a deviation equal to 16 radii of the earth, which, calculated upon the moon's orbit, are equal to about eleven degrees, it becomes necessary to add these eleven degrees to those which express the retardation of the moon just mentioned: that is to say, in round numbers, about sixty-four degrees.
It will meet the moon four days after its discharge, precisely at midnight on the 4th of December, at the moment of its transit across the zenith.
As to the sixth question, "What place will the moon occupy in the heavens at the moment of the projectile's departure?"
The members of the Gun Club ought, therefore, without delay, to commence the works necessary for such an experiment, and to be prepared to set to work at the moment determined upon; for, if they should suffer this 4th of December to go by, they will not find the moon again under the same conditions of perigee and of zenith until eighteen years and eleven days afterward.
Recognising the force of the argument, and having cast one more despairing look at the bright face of the moon, for never did the most ardent astronomer with a theory to prove await a celestial event with such anxiety, I stepped with all the dignity that I could command between the prostrate girl and the advancing spear of Scragga.
Come but one pace nearer, and we will put out the moon like a wind-blown lamp, as we who dwell in her House can do, and plunge the land in darkness.
hear him!" piped Gagool; "hear the liar who says that he will put out the moon like a lamp.
I glanced up at the moon despairingly, and now to my intense joy and relief saw that we--or rather the almanack--had made no mistake.
"The moon grows black before your eyes; soon there will be darkness-- ay, darkness in the hour of the full moon.
"It will pass," she cried; "I have often seen the like before; no man can put out the moon; lose not heart; sit still--the shadow will pass."
Slowly and in the midst of this most solemn silence the minutes sped away, and while they sped the full moon passed deeper and deeper into the shadow of the earth, as the inky segment of its circle slid in awful majesty across the lunar craters.
"The moon is dying--the white wizards have killed the moon," yelled the prince Scragga at last.