live for
live for (someone or something)
1. To live solely to help or support someone or something or to do a particular thing. I know you live for your kids, but it's important for them to see that you have your own interests. It's like you live for your work—don't you ever take a day off?
2. To be known for being particularly excited about something. A: "I'm just not hungry." B: "But you live for pizza night! Are you not feeling well?"
See also: live
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
live for someone or something
1. to exist for the benefit of someone or something. She just lives for her children. Roger lives for his work.
2. to exist to enjoy someone or something. She lives for her vacations in Acapulco.
See also: live
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.
live for
To be enthusiastic about something: He lives for mountain climbing.
See also: live
The American Heritage® Dictionary of Phrasal Verbs.
- live for (someone or something)
- live out
- they that live longest see most
- all the way live
- fat of the land
- fat of the land, the
- the fat of the land
- live and let live
- tweet
- live-tweet