"Pick something that you would give
to somebody's face or that you would want to receive with integrity," Schuit said.
This dietitian created a nutritious food bank-only plan. Here's how
Hurling personal insults - and that too
to somebody's face as they try to calm their crying child - is stooping to the lowest point of humanity.
Cowardly act
"I do think people trolling on Facebook or Twitter, if you wouldn't say it
to somebody's face why would you say it on social media, it doesn't reflect well on you either.
Public shaming by social media has fuelled her rage, had she accepted it was a mistake & said sorry then it would've been yesterday's news; WHY FINE GAEL TD SUFFERED A FALL FROM GRACE.
There's a road rage phenomenon to social media, where people all of a sudden feel comfortable to say horrible things that you would never say
to somebody's face in real life.
Harvey Weinstein And His 'Jabba The Hutt Mentality'
The food will just bring some variety and I hope it will bring a smile
to somebody's face."
Coventry's great Christmas bake-off
Note the following alternative, formal lexicalisations of the discussed sense 'to be bold': to be bare-FACEd, to have/to bear the FACE to do something, to push/show one's FACE, to travel upon one's FACE, to run one's FACE, to tell something
to somebody's FACE.
The politics of body-part terminology: on the conceptual affiliation of the lexical item face
STUNNING news last week, as it emerged that no journalist on Fleet Street has ever said one thing
to somebody's face and another behind somebody's back.
Journalists are never two-faced
"If I can bring a smile
to somebody's face, let's do it."
Believe it or not, Duck nemesis returns to Autzen older, wiser